Is anyone able to make a Rockstar energy t-shirt for my male character? I'm looking for a short sleeved regular Tee in all black apart from this logo on the front.
Or if that's too intricate to do, perhaps the Monster energy logo instead (just the green M)?
Thanks to the both of you.Yeah, I know Sean4 also made one, but here's one where the star won't repeat on the arms and the back ><
Blackfirm - Wonderful thank you. I know I probably sound like a pest, but would making the star a bit smaller be too hard/lose the detail?
Thanks to the both of you.
Sean4 - They're both great and I have saved them, but as they'll be used as a t-shirt the pattern repeats on the back and the sleeves. Since I'm not the creator I can't edit the pattern myself into a pro design. As Blackfirm made the Rockstar image into a tee, would you be willing to make the Monster logo into a t-shirt design with just the green M on just the front so it doesn't repeat at all?
Blackfirm - Wonderful thank you. I know I probably sound like a pest, but would making the star a bit smaller be too hard/lose the detail?
To the both of you - How are you able to design these so they look exactly like the pattern? Are you doing this freehand or some sort of generator? If you're using a generator of some sort would you be willing to share a link to it? If you're not willing to share publicy, you can always PM me. Then I can start helping out with requests too.
Thanks again, they're both wonderful.
I think any smaller would lose too much detail, especially since in game it is actually smaller. When you put it on it zooms in, but once you move around again it zooms out, and it doesn't look as humongous.
And yeah, I did use a generator for this, because I'm not very good at copying patterns like that exactly and not messing up the symetry, etc. Used this one.
But! This was the first time I used it, and all other dresses I've made previously were made without the help of this ^^''
Thank you both.I used something else, since I had it open for myself, but i'm more than willing make the monster one a shirt using the site the other guy did, I have time hahaAnd I want it myself anyway. Having it say monster energy or something along those on the back sound good? (If I can make it look like it says that) lol
Argh I should've used a bigger picture.. I started it and it looks too blurry.. i'll decide if i'll attempt again later. lol
Ouch...that one will be really tough, Naruki. There's so much detail there that it's gonna get lost when anyone tries to pixellate it down to the scale of a town flag or t-shirt.
BUT, I can't turn down a challenge, mua ha ha ha!