Turnips Official Turnip Prices Thread! (Old Version)

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Does anybody have a store buying turnips for over 150 bells? I can tip, if you would like. Just PM me if you can help.
I have turnips selling for 486 bells each!

Edit - scrapping what I had...I'm going to open to just a few people at a time from now on!
As soon as I am able to close my gates, I will, then when everyone leaves, I'll generate a code for 4 people at a time.
When you are done selling, stand outside the store with me, and I'll let everyone leave at once.
Nevermind, the site keeps going down, so just leave when you are done!

Simply PM me if you want to come, and I'll respond with a code when I'm ready c:

ALL DONE for tonight. I gotta grab food, and this was a bit more tiring than I expected c':
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I have turnips selling for 486 bells each!
Feel free to come on over and sell c:
I'll probably have my gates open all day, though I may close and reopen when I want to trade on reddit.
I'll update the code here if I change it!


Hi! May I come and make two visits please <3
I have turnips selling for 486 bells each!
Feel free to come on over and sell c:
I'll probably have my gates open all day, though I may close and reopen when I want to trade on reddit.
I'll update the code here if I change it!


Hey!! I’m also planning on visiting!! I’ll leave you a lil tip!
I have turnips selling for 486 bells each!
Feel free to come on over and sell c:
I'll probably have my gates open all day, though I may close and reopen when I want to trade on reddit.
I'll update the code here if I change it!


Hey, I'm going to come and will probably need to do several visits if that is ok! :)
Sure thing @above

Just gotta be patient everyone, traffic is pretty high lol...
I might have to close and open to just a few people at a time at this rate c':
i'd love to stop by, thank you!

I have turnips selling for 486 bells each!
Feel free to come on over and sell c:
I'll probably have my gates open all day, though I may close and reopen when I want to trade on reddit.
I'll update the code here if I change it!

I have turnips selling for 486 bells each!

Edit - scrapping what I had...I'm going to open to just a few people at a time from now on!
As soon as I am able to close my gates, I will, then when everyone leaves, I'll generate a code for 4 people at a time.
When you are done selling, stand outside the store with me, and I'll let everyone leave at once.
Nevermind, the site keeps going down, so just leave when you are done!

Simply PM me if you want to come, and I'll respond with a code when I'm ready c:

Reposting since I'm changing this!
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hello! is there a waitlist to be invited to your town? I'd like to join when I can get a turn

edit: I'd only need one trip
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