Can I buy the following items/fossils? x) Fossils 100k ; Recipes: 250k; Let me know if my prices are reasonable!
Lucky Gold Cat DIY recipe
Music stand recipe
Ironwood low table recipe
Golden dishes recipe
Ironwood DIY workbench recipe
2 Green mums (100k) - I'll come back and buy other hybrids later, if available xD Don't want to overwhelm you!
Ankylo skull
Diplo pelvis
Plesio tail
Sabertooth tail
Spino tail
Town: Formosa
IGN: Jocelyn
Hi! A slightly earlier poster bought out the golden dishes and ironwood diy workbench. Also I'm sorry but I don't have a spine tail! I can have everything else ready for you though! Drop me a dodo if that's alright ^^
Post automatically merged:
Can I get the bamboo floor lamp DIY for 100k?
Town: Outset
Name: Tay
Sorry but the buyer above you just bought it!