Oh My Goodness Gracious

Zakuro 4 Life

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2008
Ok So My Name in real life Is Zane and Annoying stormcommander Rejected my Request to change my username To "Zane"...

Well Theres Another reason I hate stormcommander :D
Zakuro 4 Life said:
Ok So My Name in real life Is Zane and Annoying stormcommander Rejected my Request to change my username To "Zane"...

Well Theres Another reason I hate stormcommander :D
Wrong forum...

Well that's just plain stupid. :l
What's the point of this thread, to flame storm? That's not very smart.
Dark said:
Nedrian said:
maybe someone already has the name Zane?
No Just Plain Zane. There Is ZaneBlade Though.
regardless, if you care so much about this forum that you're making such a big deal about the name not being changed...
you're going to have an even bigger problem pretty soon because you won't be able to be on this forum with any name. :/
May I Remind You That There Isn't Only Stormcommander There Is CrazyOddMe
so many hate threads... could we just play a game and leave out all this unnecessary drama? i mean honestly, i don't care that storm didn't give you the name. why should i? would you care that tyler stepped on my toe yesterday?
my toe still hurts by the way, tyler.
I've been a mod, and having alotta requests can be so annoying, so yeah, maybe your being annoying
<-- i made this :3
ryudo_dragoon said:
Dark said:
AC is cool said:
Wow... Just "...." Dont Post Nonsence Things Just To Get Your Post Count Up.
I'm kind so I won't report him. :b

Wat bout teh uber awesome Grawr?
You skippin him dark?
Well I Am A Mod On Another Forum.
Mods Dont Have Much Power.
So I Didn't Know What Powers Mods Had Here.
Idk If Mods Can Access The Change Name Requests.
Don't agree at all with the comments about Storm being stupid or annoying... this is just a flame thread towards him... I predict that this thread will be locked ha ha.