Ok, STRANGEST day thus far in CF!

Khengi said:
Just mindin' my business, there was a meteor shower last night. Nice feature.

This morning, 10:19, I'm walking and find some 'shrooms out in the open. They're normally well hidden. Sell for 11,000+ bells, nice. But will going to check out the newest villager on my map, I bump into a crying kitten named Katie who's looking for her mom...

IN ANOTHER TOWN! I have to get to Versai today, if Alis is watching (Bones, I think). If you run while she's following you, she'll trip, cry, and say you move too fast. Ok, I'll walk. So I walk to the bulletin board to see if there's anything new, and an Empty Genie Lamp is sitting next to it! I picked it up, can't do anything with it... yet, I assume.

This has been a weird day, in 10 minutes of it, I need to go to Versai.
The lamp means you can access wisp. If you find enough lamps, he deos something for you (or mabie just 1 lamp, idk)
wisp was in WW? and now in AF! holy cow, I thought he was only in the first AC at night.
This is so exciting, gonna check the bulliten board everyday =)
My guide says if u ive the lamp to Wisp, he'll grant a wish... but then it sats to take it to your attic and rub it first... strange...
Alright so I found this lamp this morning and had no idea what to do with it, but now I know.

Here's the real deal.

Around 8 tonight I was wondering around town fishing and I got stopped when a voice called to me and eventually I stumbled upon wisp and he asked me for the lamp, so I had picked it up earlier and he then goes inside the lamp and asks you to go to your attic and rub it (he likes enclosed spaces) after this he grants you one of three wishes. Roach removal, weed removal or a gift. Since I didn't need roach or weed removal I got the gift, it was a cow's skull. Not that great but a gift's a gift. Although he gives you the option between clothes, furniture, acsessories and a 4th option which I forget.

Hope this helps.
melly said:
wisp was in WW? and now in AF! holy cow, I thought he was only in the first AC at night.
This is so exciting, gonna check the bulliten board everyday =)
he wasn't in WW.