Old Fashioned Villager comeback?


Jul 22, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Peach (Fruit)
Cherry (Fruit)
Apple (Fruit)
Rainbow Feather
Chocolate Cake
In the game's trailer, did anyone else notice that one of the villagers that the player was featured to build a house for, Carrie, was not in any other Animal Crossing games besides the original? Does this mean that some older villagers will be making a come back in this game? Would they make them into the amiibo cards as well? Just a random thought/speculation.
Oh my goodness I hope so. I really hope they bring back either every single villager created or at least a few dumped ones.
Im guessing that since they are releasing amiibo cards as series of 100 each, and there are 333 villagers in new leaf, they decided to allow you to decorate houses of the special characters and brought back enough retired villagers to make an even 400 amiibo cards. I really hope Verdun, Kit, Julia, Sunny, Aziz, Rex, Jubei, Sprocket, Stella, Natasha, and especially Ketchup are brought back as well. Out of all the unique looking villagers that werent in New Leaf, it would be odd for them to have only picked a plain brown kangaroo to return over villagers like Meow, Nindori, etc
Out of all the unique looking villagers that werent in New Leaf, it would be odd for them to have only picked a plain brown kangaroo to return over villagers like Meow, Nindori, etc

Yeah, I'm hoping so too. I'd love to see Woolio, Chuck, Dobbie, Pierre, Meow, Petunia, and Boris back again. It would seem weird if they only brought back one new villager for trailer purposes. I think for the amiibo cards, most will be released as villagers featured in New leaf with a few WW and CF thrown in for classic purposes, while the game itself will have some of the 'older' villagers. >>Theory<<
Probably. I highly doubt Nintendo are going to design an entire new model for one old villager and ignore the rest. seems like a waste of time when they could've just ported all villagers in NL to HHD.

That said, it is possible Carrie was designed and modelled for New Leaf, with the intent of her being in the game, but for whatever reason didn't make it into the final cut, but her model still exists in the data, so they just ported that over. But I think the former is most likely - I really don't see any reason why they would've cut a villager from New Leaf after designing them.
I'm really, really, really hoping for Buzz, Hank, Maddie, Stella, Woolio, Sven and Hambo to come back. :eek:

Also Nosegay too! She was the cutest anteater but hopefully they can change her name if she makes a comeback because dealing with all the snickering over her name is irritating. It's a bouquet, okay? :mad:
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honestly, I couldn't care less about the older characters that didn't make it in to acnl, it's because I saw their designs and none of them appealed to me that much. I however would love to see new characters but this being a spin off it's quiet unlikely. the only new character is the pink otter secretary which is not a villager lol I like her a lot through, she's pink and adorable <3
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Stella, Gonzo, Iggy, Huggy, Woolio, please return

I am so excited, I highly doubt she is the only one returning. I've had most, if not all, of the cut villagers in my GameCube town (besides e+ exclusives) so it will be very interesting to see some of my favourite old faces returning

I know technically he's not "old-fashioned", but he was robbed of being a Villager thanks to Porter. I really hope Champ returns.

I also want Spike and Hornsby. We need more male rhinos.
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Boots is the best, so hopefully he'll finally make his comeback (even though he painted my roof black or something without asking).
I really want Liz to come back, she was one of my favorites. But she might not cause it looks like they "replaced" her with Gayle.
And I'd love to see Bow and Meow come back!
in I think that japanese trailer with subtitles someone sent there was a 2-second part where you can see a very gamecube-ish villager with a low resolution face not seen anywhere else in his/her home, so I bet most old villager will come back!
Bow and Meow (robots resembling tamagotchi?) may finally be back :D