Old member, new me

Ace Marvel

Merry & Happy
Apr 23, 2014
Red Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Shooting Star
Rainbow Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
Purple Star Fragment
Celeste Chick Plush
White Star Fragment
Mom's Plush
Hi everyone, I will be going by Ace Marvel from now on, so this is kinda of a second introduction.

I've here for six years now, so if anyone need something, I'm here to help. :)
Howdy Ace!! I know what it's like turning over a new leaf, least in the username department, and I hope its as refreshing as it was for me.
I absolutely love the new username! I’m also well aware of how it can be changing usernames (I’ve had like, nine usernames since joining this site lmao). I hope you enjoy it!
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I'm actually not an old member, my original account joined April 20th this year. You might know me as 'due' with many posts. That's my work email, though. I am now revisiting my home email! I just created an account here so I can continue the fun!