*screams about there being no orange hybrids*
*screams more about lineup dates*
still doesn't look like fall to me
So sad for your loss ... my heart weeps turnip red tears for you!I have never lamented over a virtual turnip as much as I am right now. I truly regret the death of my turnip
I went straight to work yesterday morning and then was with friends all evening after so I forgot to water my turnip :'( I had 1 day left
- - - Post Merge - - -
Oh wait why is it still alive
Oh wait why is it still alive
If you save your inventory and it still shows as unwilted, then I don't know.The turnip rots if it's not watered, but it only shows this if you save your inventory. So if you're not sure, go to your Inventory and click Save.
refresh your inventory
also, rip. killed by irl social life
mine died! honestly i thought i bought one yday.. i guess i forgot yikes