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Old stuff you don’t miss in previous AC games?


“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Palm City
What are some old mechanics that didn?t make it to New Leaf that you?re glad to be rid of? Like the acre system or other painful mechanics.

Here?s what I?m glad to be rid of:

- Animals rudely repainting your roof without permission
- Animals forcing nicknames on you when you ask what they are, and spreading it to others without your permission
- La-di Day and Yay Day
- Raffle tickets from Tom Nook
- Paying all your debts as a requirement to unlock the bank
I'm glad that villagers can't literally steal your items anymore. Whenever I play Gamecube and get a really nice piece of furniture, I will not talk to anyone in case I end up getting that dialogue.
The Save Room, or attic from City Folk.

You can't even customise the wall, flooring, making it a waste of a space and sticking out like a sore thumb.
I always thought it was a hassle to have to send a fossil to the Faraway Museum so they could check it and send it back the next day in AC:GCN. I mean, I guess it kinda added a nice touch to the whole mail system, but it was still an annoying process (especially when you're like me and store extra items in your letters).
I also didn't like how you could only get 3 fossils back from them each day. It was a slow and tedious process.

I still have like 10 fossils on my game and I'm too lazy to send them in lmao
The acre system is still around... kinda... at least there's the 3 building per acre rule, so the game still counts them somehow. :)

I'm glad the fishing rod bob makes noise when the fish bite, in Population Growing it's silent so it's very hard to fish. The raffle tickets are also a pain, they take so much inventory space and if you miss playing on the last day of the month, it's all wasted D:

The wild goose chase when running errands is also something I'm glad they got rid of. :)
Resetti always popping out to painfully remind you about saving the game. I know it still exists in NL but at least it's optional. I'm pretty sure he's the reason that made me stop playing Wild World forever :/
Resetti always popping out to painfully remind you about saving the game. I know it still exists in NL but at least it's optional. I'm pretty sure he's the reason that made me stop playing Wild World forever :/

Even if you do have him in town, he’ll ask you why you reset, and if you tell him that “your batteries died”, he’ll only tell you to keep them charged. If you tell him “you don’t remember”, he wouldn’t care and leave right away. It’s only if you choose to do it on purpose that will get him angry.
Insurance, I usually just mess around on wild world cause I don’t play it anymore, but one time recently I played it on a Saturday and Lyle wouldn’t leave me alone, so I had to pay 3000 bells and I only got 100 bells out of it, then I think the Saturday after that I just ran away from him lol
Insurance, I usually just mess around on wild world cause I don’t play it anymore, but one time recently I played it on a Saturday and Lyle wouldn’t leave me alone, so I had to pay 3000 bells and I only got 100 bells out of it, then I think the Saturday after that I just ran away from him lol

Reminds me of how bad Lyle was back then. Not only he was really annoying, but the insurance thing is a scam. You’re paying a lot to get paid little over just a few things. Glad they got rid of that and made Lyle a Happy Room Academy guy (or Happy Home Academy guy in ACNL).
Oh man, I do NOT miss Yay Day and La-di-day either. If those were supposed to substitute for the holidays in the other animal crossing games, I'd say it was a pretty poor trade-off. Thank goodness they had the sense to bring the originals back in City Folk.

I don't miss the Mush furniture festival (??? I forget what it was called, but it was the one with Cornimer) either, even though that was one of the only fun festivals in WW. I also super don't miss enduring Resetti's fifteen-minute-long spiels when I forget to save (I'm purposefully not building the Reset Center in NL because I just don't care for him at all and don't mind him out of my town lol).

I also don't really miss the bus stop in CF. It didn't really fit with the feel of the more rural towns of Animal Crossing. I like the train much better as a method of transportation.
^Yeah, the bus and city did not feel like a well thought through aesthetic to me (then again I also don't like Nookington's). A real rural town wouldn't be close to a bus ride away to a metropolitan city, either, so mysteries abound why they didn't use the train.

- Animals rudely repainting your roof without permission

I can never go back to GC because I get tired of the three item dressers and obligatory hat (w no other hats or accessories) too quickly.
Oh, another thing I hated was the acorn festival in WW I remember my old town had so many acorns just laying everywhere because of that stupid event.
And don’t forget the Bright Nights festival. All of the houses are basically the same, and you can’t participate in the event as well.

As for those fake holidays, do you want to know what holidays are better than Yay Day and La-di Day? Those real “fake holidays” that shouldn’t even exist (like bring your child to work day, talk like a pirate day).
I'm glad we don't have the boring week long events where no villagers talk to each other, like Bright Nights and the Flower Week.

I'm also glad they don't get sick.
Do you want to know what else I’ll be glad to be rid of if it doesn’t make it to the next game?

Club Tortimer.

Even back when ACNL was new, that place was a horrible place to be. Too many trashy kids that would scam you or bully you if you don’t give into the scams. I dealt with trashy kids from gaming communities before, but out of all of the childish players from online games, Animal Crossing: New Leaf had the worst. Now it’s much worse than before. I never even went there, but I heard horrible stories about it, and I would sympathize with those that got bullied there. So if it doesn’t make it to the next game, it will become one of the many features I won’t miss.

I think Club Tortimer is the worst problem from every Animal Crossing game.
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Most of the other ones I'd list were already listed, here's a few more though.
Not necessarily features, but more of a limitation.
I didn't mind Flower Week, it was fairly silly how you could just sabotage your villager's flowers however.

- Room for only four emotes, entirely random ones too. (ACWW-ACCF)
- Storage would have three slots. (?-ACGC)
- "Bush" Patches (?-ACGC)
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Do you want to know what else I?ll be glad to be rid of if it doesn?t make it to the next game?

Club Tortimer.

Even back when ACNL was new, that place was a horrible place to be. Too many trashy kids that would scam you or bully you if you don?t give into the scams. I dealt with trashy kids from gaming communities before, but out of all of the childish players from online games, Animal Crossing: New Leaf had the worst. Now it?s much worse than before. I never even went there, but I heard horrible stories about it, and I would sympathize with those that got bullied there. So if it doesn?t make it to the next game, it will become one of the many features I won?t miss.

I think Club Tortimer is the worst problem from every Animal Crossing game.

Ah yes! I remember being really excited for club tortimer just to get there and realise it's either full of immature kids, trolls, and usually in my case 2 people (usually girls) who were best-friends and would just spend their time judging/making fun of players who didnt have as nice clothes (in their opinion), or weren't as far along in the game etc
I was quite young when I first started playing and some of the things said and done there were quite horrific, towards me and other players- I remember a specific experience where another member trapped me on the island whilst I was sitting on a tree stump, by digging holes around me- this meant I had to shut the game down (can't save on the island) and lose all the fish and medals I had spent hours getting (which he knew)- even when other people joined they all refused to help remove the holes, instead just choosing to laugh.

I was so glad when I joined this forum and realised that there were actually super nice people who play this game- club tortimer was my only real experience of playing with others originally (none of my rl friends are gamers) and it severely put me off playing with people online again.
I guess the problem is that acnl appeals to such a wide range of people, so even though there are some really cool people who play it (in my experience, these tend to be the people who join forums, own blogs etc) there are also some really crappy people who like nothing more than to troll, judge and ruin peoples overall experience

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Also am I the only one who enjoyed Yay day and La-di-day from ww?
maybe it was because I was young and got excited about literally any event that happened (I also didn't care about my town tune at all aha)
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I really don?t miss animals stealing from you or repainting the roof. I loved AC:pG but that always got my goat... I?m also glad Resetti doesn?t pop out anymore. Sorry dude I know you mean well but sometime things happen...