good thread idea
Oh man I am so all about these things.
just drew the exact same thing lmfao better, worse, same???
who knows?????
aaaaa I'm really doubtful of whether I've improved my art or not all the time so I do a lot of before and after stuff like these:
but if we're talking about super old art...
back in 2010 when I was still on mouse... and photoimpact. They had no layers rip /___\
Just from yesterday //laughcry
the amount of how much you improved is incredible haha
did you become magical or something during those 5 years?
hahaa thanks!! and naahhh, I've just been grinding art like crazy in the past few years lol ;____;
these are my digital art folders:
+++ stacks of paper everywhere and doodles on textbooks/notes etc 8'DDD
I've improved drastically.