My oldest villagers are Savannah and Mira, I have been with them, which have been with me for 300 days now

Mira is a sisterly who aesthetically looks like sailor moon or a power ranger, I personally dont like very much cause i dont like that much her looks, for a sisterly shr is like super active and very boyish so to say. I feel she has asked to move away many times but they were always before i had her picture, ever since i got hers she has never asked again ....
Savannah on the other hand is a cute normal cebra which i adored ! I wish started villagers also had their home and not some neutral decorated home ... cause i would love to see how it looked liked

. I personally like everything about her but she also stopped asking to move out once she gave me her picture

I personally would like to rotate my villagers for a while so i can meet new ones, its been a while since i played this game and i bearly know any of the other villagers, so before playing favorites and forcing villagers to stay with me

i will continue rotating villagers based on their personality so i can mert as many of them as possible

PS: hope no one took to a personal level my perspective on Mira or Savannah, i do not want to dismiss anyones opinion or love for this villagers if they are their favorite ones it just my personal opinion and my situation