Oldest existing villager on your island?


Oct 19, 2020
So, which villager have you had the longest on your island and do you plan on getting rid of them?

My oldest villager is Ankha.
I remember getting her from the campsite and I was absolutely excited; she replaced my starter uchi Tammy!
I started the game around mid June, so I've probably had her since July.

Ankha is a final dreamie and the queen is going nowhere :love:
my longest villager is raymond, i got him on my first island back in april and he has been with me through all my 7 islands
same for judy but i didn't get her until may

i will always keep those two, not because they're popular and i just have to have them but because i think they're super cute
(plus judy looks like garnet from steven universe when ruby and sapphire first fused ♡)

but i could also say katt, she was my starter on my first island and i still have her now but now i have a different katt from before because i bring her in with an amiibo on each new island i make
(i reset a lot so it's hard to tell 😅)
Tia is my oldest villager :) I got her from one of the first nook islands from the start of the game. She still has her starter house and everything
My oldest is Ankha. She was the first villager I brought in via amiibo. I might get rid of her someday though as I'm not a fan of her house.
Claude is my oldest. He's one of my original 5 islanders with a starter home, and the only one remaining. I'm unreasonably attached to him. I can't even explain it. And nope, I don't plan on ever having him move out. He's my resident bunny. I don't need another. ❤
Mine is Deli. I don't have any of my originals, I like variety so I usually will let almost all of my villagers go when they ask, but Deli is one of my favs so he has stayed through multiple villager changes.
Nan is my oldest. She’s been here so long I don’t even remember how it got her. It Probably was through an amiibo, but I’m not even a little sure. She is definitely staying forever. She’s one of my favorites right now, even though I have no clue what to do with her house exterior decoration.
Tank is my oldest. He was my starter jock. I’m never letting him move out because he is special and because we started the island together and he has really grown on me.
My two starters, Sprocket and Reneigh. I dont plan on letting them go, just because, as starters, they're very special to me in regards to this game.
Both of my starters are still on my island and I don't think I can let them go.
The 4 villagers I got after are also still here.
Sterling was my starter jock on my 2nd island and I still love him. Bam is the starter jock on my newer island and he's a keeper too. I also still have Dom, who was starter jock on one of my intermediate resets. I've had good luck with jocks! Sisterly villagers I've often switched out. My very first sisterly was Muffy and jock was Pierce. I had Muffy until recently and I will probably bring her back, but I like Sterling for an eagle jock a bit better than Pierce, so I probably won't bring Pierce back even though I liked him.
My two starters, Antonio and Renee.

Antonio is never leaving because he’s Antonio and I love him,

And Renee hasn’t left because she refuses to hand over her picture.
My oldest villagers are Savannah and Mira, I have been with them, which have been with me for 300 days now 😅.

Mira is a sisterly who aesthetically looks like sailor moon or a power ranger, I personally dont like very much cause i dont like that much her looks, for a sisterly shr is like super active and very boyish so to say. I feel she has asked to move away many times but they were always before i had her picture, ever since i got hers she has never asked again .... 😅

Savannah on the other hand is a cute normal cebra which i adored ! I wish started villagers also had their home and not some neutral decorated home ... cause i would love to see how it looked liked 💛. I personally like everything about her but she also stopped asking to move out once she gave me her picture 😂.

I personally would like to rotate my villagers for a while so i can meet new ones, its been a while since i played this game and i bearly know any of the other villagers, so before playing favorites and forcing villagers to stay with me 🤣 i will continue rotating villagers based on their personality so i can mert as many of them as possible ❣️.

PS: hope no one took to a personal level my perspective on Mira or Savannah, i do not want to dismiss anyones opinion or love for this villagers if they are their favorite ones it just my personal opinion and my situation ❤️
Ozzie is my longest villager, he is still in his starter house. I really wish there was a way to upgrade to his regular design house though..... I am still yet to get his photo even after months of trying😫
I have a hard time getting rid of villagers. I've been playing since March. My starters are Shari and Kid Cat. Then the game chose Skye, Amelia, and Hopper. I later picked up Becky, Gayle, Bianca, Bam, and Rex from the Islands.

Sadly, I had to replace Bam with Zell. I needed a smug and I had Zell's amiibo.
I do miss Bam, but Zell is great too.

If I ever decide to let someone go, it will be Skye, or Bianca, and I would move in Ketchup. I have her amiibo, and sometimes I get very tempted. It will likely never happen though.
Whitney is my oldest villager, and I've had her since August, I believe. She'll get cycled out eventually, same as everyone - I plan on going through all of the game's villagers to collect all the posters and photos myself.
Kiki was my 3rd villager. She’s the first villager I ever stumbled upon in the random island tours. She’s also my all time favorite villager, so I guess it was meant to be.
Mine are Axel and Shari! They were my original starter 2 that I got when I started the island. I dont plan on letting go of them anytime soon. Usually I wouldn't get so attached to my starter villagers but something about those two just make me so happy.