Oldest existing villager on your island?

Skye :) I think she was my 7th villager.

I had Roald and Plucky to start, first 3 from islands were Bob, Nibbles, and Alice. Shep was from the first campsite. Then Skye from an island.

I let the rest go (Alice was super hard but I have her amiibo) but Skye will never leave ❤ she's my NH baby (previous babies were Alice in WW and Gayle in NL) ☺
Oh my god, my oldest one is Sylvia and she has been there since the VERY BEGINNING. And she WON"T LEAVE. I hate her with a burning passion and I've done things like reset the campsite over and over for hours and my game has never prompted Sylvia to leave. Ever. I want to rip my hair out oh my god lol. I don't even understand how Nintendo could come up with a design like Sylvia's. She is so random and not cute at all. Drives me nuts.
My oldest is Shep.

I no longer have either of my starters (Canberra and Scoot), but I met Shep on one of the first islands I went to. I absolutely adore him. I find his whole aesthetic charming. He is never leaving. I didn’t start out with him on my final dream team, but he’s top ten now.
I have my two starter villagers, Billy and Plucky. I don't think I want them to leave. I was originally going to keep all my 5 originals but realized that was half my island lol. So the starter normal and peppy have already left, my first lazy is still around though.
I found Sherb on an island in March, and he was the first villager I brought home. I was pretty familiar with all the different villagers because I played New Leaf for several years and I collect Amiibos. So I was intrigued by this new face that I saw. It was raining on that island and he was dressed in a little raincoat with a little rain hat and I absolutely fell in love with him.

I had him for a really long time until I realized that I couldn’t stand his default lazy starter house. So I made an arrangement with a friend to kick out my old Sherb and adopt a new version of him. I would’ve preferred to have the exact same Sherb, but it wasn’t possible. I am very happy now that he has his real house. I love to dress him in sailor clothes.

In terms of longest staying villager without any changes like I mentioned, that would probably be Mitzi. I think it I got her back in April but I am not positive. Her house is so different than when I first got her, since I gave her so many articles of clothing and furnishings. Strangely even though the villagers typically screw up their house royally when you do this, I really love the way her house is arranged now. She always seems to put things in the right place and it has a really cozy vibe that I like. Her home feels personalized and I don’t think I will ever ask her to leave or let her leave if she asks. She is always so sweet and I know that normal villagers are just like that, But she is my Mitzi and I adore her.
Mine is Derwin closely followed by Audie. They were my 4th and 5th move ins originally with the default lazy and peppy house interiors. My first 3 villagers have long moved out. I have since moved Derwin in and out with the help of another user here, but as soon as they were able to move them out I took them back so I could get their proper house interiors.

Neither of them are going anywhere either as I got my last dreamie back in the summer. :)
Oldest villager on my island is Lyman. He’s a starter villager and hasn’t left because I almost never catches him with the thought bubbles? I don’t particularly feel like I have high friendship with him so not really sure why he doesn’t ask to move away more often. But eventually he will need to leave, because while I like his design Lyman is not really a dreamie and doesn’t really fit into my town aesthetics. I will try to move him out naturally but if that doesn’t happen relatively soon I will resort to use amiibo cards
Filbert and Fauna in mine. They both have their starter house. After them is Marshal who was the first mandatory campsite visitor that we have to invite to stay on the island.
I still have my first five villagers: Scoot (starter), Ursala (starter), Jambette (mystery island), Erik (random move in), and Tabby (random move in).
I still have my starter jock, Antonio, who has been my favorite since Wild World. I didn’t plan on having him in NH since I like variety, but when he happened to be my starter jock I just haven’t been able to let him go.
I have Pashmina still, who was one of my starters. I thought about keeping her permanently, but I've found myself getting so bored with the same 10 villagers. I'm not a player who likes having the same 10 dreamies forever. So she's here until she decides to go :)

Other than her is Pudge. He was the first amiibo card I bought when NH was announced. I moved him in as soon as possible. He's my only permanent villager, I think.
Bones has been with me since the beginning. Technically Felicity and Kyle have too, but I had to kick them to reset their homes a few times.

Bones though hasn’t moved an inch. I received him from a very kind user, as I’ve stated that he was a dream villager in a few threads early on. I’m so grateful as I’ve been able to celebrate every holiday with him, he even hosted my birthday party. 🎂
My oldest villager is Fauna! She was the first normal I got from an island. (Not part of the first 5, those were all random for me.) Unfortunately, I don't plan on keeping her. She's sweet and all, but her house is absolutely cluttered with gifts. Plus, I have Molly, and she has always been a dreamie of mine. Regardless, Fauna had an amazing run on Laverre!
It was the very first time I visited a new island for a villager and I was walking around AND THERE HE WAS the one And only I’ve seen him in videos and some people like him but I love him he’s so cute and cuddly and kind he shares his house with bugs and his name is Hornsby I wasn’t expecting someone like a rino but since then I tried to get him a girlfriend I did but he is never leaving and he is probably the nicest villager on my island besides tia

edited. Also I forgot to say when I got my game it was the end of summer on acnh
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Fauna and Sherb. They were both part of my original ten back in March. I've no intention of ever letting them leave.