Cycling OLIVIA AND CHIEF MOVED IN Mella's Cycling Thread! Check For Villager Availability

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Aww, Muffy
I hated her guts. I got her as my Uchi when I started the game xD

Thank you for taking in Vesta <3 I wish you could have 11 villagers, otherwise I'd take her in.

I would trade Kiki but she came from a friend and gives me nostalgia <3 Second normal to move into my town <3 I loved her to bits. I still do <3
I'm surprised no one is noticing Muffy o: I've seen her go for a few mil (which is why I picked her up from my campsite, lol)
Melle, there is a auction for Mira
Just lettin' ya know, I bidded for you since i know you want her
If no one takes in muffy, I would hate to see her go to the void, I'll take her in to my cycle town, someone on ACC is bound to want her :)
If no one takes in muffy, I would hate to see her go to the void, I'll take her in to my cycle town, someone on ACC is bound to want her :)

Aw, I know someone on here wanted her, I might wait for them ^_^
Also, I'm trying to trade Ankha for Molly for you! I hope someone says yes aw
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