Cycling OLIVIA AND CHIEF MOVED IN Mella's Cycling Thread! Check For Villager Availability

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It was Mia. And no, I can't really TT 16 out, dont have time.. so yah anyone wants?
Whoo!! That's an awesome random!! Just got Julian as a random move in last night in mine. Wuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt?!

Someone's gonna be lucky to get Marshal. :)

I was just dreading looking at my villager list after she said someone moved in, and I was really like
yeah :")
And woo Julian! ^_^
Could you put my name down for Marshal?
He'll probably move out before Wendy moves out (2nd December), but I'll chance it. :)
Who was it that gave you Lopez? I'm not sure if I gave him to you or that other person uwu

Mella, congrats on getting Marshal! I love him but he ain't a dreamie. Of mine. Maybe my sisters.

Ask her and I'll put her name down if she want me to ^_^
Lol well i dont want him. just gonna use this town for cycling now or something lol. give up on all the effin deers.
I'll just wait a bit for all the marshal requests to die down a bit then I'll put all your names down at once ^_^
Ahh can you put my name down for Marshall? I doubt I will get him but I'll try anyways. ;u;
Lol well i dont want him. just gonna use this town for cycling now or something lol. give up on all the effin deers.

Aw. Poor you </3 Dreamies disappoint you sometimes. Maybe you're better off without <3
They do. Gonna either start a cycling thread or just well doing stuff with it like TT a year for the sake of it lmao.
Lol well i dont want him. just gonna use this town for cycling now or something lol. give up on all the effin deers.
Offer Lopez out on a separate thread. If nobody replies, I'll take him to hold for you until you can take him back if you want ^_^
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