Cycling OLIVIA AND CHIEF MOVED IN Mella's Cycling Thread! Check For Villager Availability

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Coco <3
So precious :3

Why is there no love for her anymore?
People used to go mental over here doing satanic rituals in her house :")

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If you tell me how i can take her than i'd take her. :x Got 9 villagers tho.

9 is fine, have you got anbody's house plots already in your town or asked anyone from the campsite to move in?
No i have not. Just wondering, if i take somebody from another town, does that mean i will NEVER be able to invite som1 from my camping side to move in?
No i have not. Just wondering, if i take somebody from another town, does that mean i will NEVER be able to invite som1 from my camping side to move in?

Basically, if you take coco from me, you can't get another villager in from your campsite or anybody elses town until one villager moves out, as the maximum is 10.
Basically, if you take coco from me, you can't get another villager in from your campsite or anybody elses town until one villager moves out, as the maximum is 10.
Ok but if another villager moves out, she will take the space of the 9th villager(means no villagers will move in untill one leaves)? Sorry because i'm asking so much, this will be the first time i claim a villager from another town.. :3
Ok but if another villager moves out, she will take the space of the 9th villager(means no villagers will move in untill one leaves)? Sorry because i'm asking so much, this will be the first time i claim a villager from another town.. :3

It's kinda hard to explain, ahah
Basically, you are allowed a maximum of 10 villagers at a time. If Coco moves in, your town is full, and no new villagers can move in until at least one existing villager in your town moves out, and you can have a minimum of 8 villagers. At the moment, you have space for one more villager to move in, which would be Coco.

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Coco is awesome! Got her from my campsite a while ago for my daughter :D

she kinda scares me a little tbh
It's kinda hard to explain, ahah
Basically, you are allowed a maximum of 10 villagers at a time. If Coco moves in, your town is full, and no new villagers can move in until at least one existing villager in your town moves out, and you can have a minimum of 8 villagers. At the moment, you have space for one more villager to move in, which would be Coco.

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she kinda scares me a little tbh

Ok last question. So if Coco moves in she will be the 10th villager. If another villager moves out she will be the 9th. When she is going to be 9th will than again move in another villager as normaly in 2 days or i will be able to only claim villagers from others and from the campside same as i can now?
Nobody will randomly move in when you're at 9 villagers. You'll only get a 10th by invite (campsite/other village) or by street pass :)
Ok last question. So if Coco moves in she will be the 10th villager. If another villager moves out she will be the 9th. When she is going to be 9th will than again move in another villager as normaly in 2 days or i will be able to only claim villagers from others and from the campside same as i can now?

Once you have 9 or less, you can get another villager again from anywhere.
Ok will take her!

Basically, all you have to do is come over to my town and talk to her in her house, and she will eventually tell you she doesn't know where she is going to move to, and it will give you the option to tell her to move to your town, okay?
I'll just add you and open my gates! ^_^

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Actually I'll need to know your 3ds code first ahah
Mella you wanted Aurora right? There's a giveaway for her :O

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Jk wait.. is that Roald or Aurora in your sig. LOL. I'm a failure.
Mella you wanted Aurora right? There's a giveaway for her :O

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Jk wait.. is that Roald or Aurora in your sig. LOL. I'm a failure.

Roald, ahah.
You aren't a faliure aw
And I had Aurora in my campsite not long ago anyways :3
I thought it was Aurora at glance and then I was like.. wait a second.. not enough white. ;~;
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