Only problem with decorating villager house interiors on your island...


Sleepless Grandpa
Nov 17, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Tasty Cake
Will they still place clothing and accessories on the ground and on tables after you decorate their homes? Gifting them fruit is one way to prevent this. But what if another villager asks you to deliver a gift to them?
Will they still place clothing and accessories on the ground and on tables after you decorate their homes? Gifting them fruit is one way to prevent this. But what if another villager asks you to deliver a gift to them?

I'm just going to say it's safe to assume they will continue ruining their own homes. We know very little about the process, such as: How much will Tom Nook charge us to remodel? Do we have access to an infinite item catalog or just our inventory?
We don't know if they'll continue to place random items in their newly decorated homes, would be nice if they didn't. I avoid doing deliveries and gifting fish/bugs for that very reason.
We don't know if they'll continue to place random items in their newly decorated homes, would be nice if they didn't. I avoid doing deliveries and gifting fish/bugs for that very reason.
Me too. I can’t get those stamps for the Smile Isle achievements because I keep refusing them. 🥲 Btw does anyone have guesses what will happen to renovated houses once they move away? I wonder if they’ll bring their renovated house or will their house revert to their original house when they move hmmm…
I would imagine details like this are the kind of thing we'll only know when the update drops and we test it out for ourselves! it's likely that villagers will still put anything we give them into their houses, undoing all their hard work, but at least now we'll have the potential to get rid of it - if it's not too expensive.
also reading the comment above @moon_child - i would imagine the houses would revert to original? but it's definitely interesting to think about