Cycling ðŸŒ âœ¨Onward ✨🌠 [ OUT: Cyrano ] [ BOXES: Olivia ] See post #129

Hamlet couldn't find a new home & was voided.

Graham & Flurry have officially moved into Onward.

Skye is moving out soon, but she's reserved for @HollyYoshi
Okay, first off, I want to say that you made a horrible day a lot better. So, thank you so much.

Second, I'm at work right now, but I get off in a little over two hours. I'll contact you when I get home.
Okay, first off, I want to say that you made a horrible day a lot better. So, thank you so much.

Second, I'm at work right now, but I get off in a little over two hours. I'll contact you when I get home.

aww i'm glad to hear that, of course. and that sounds good, i'll be sure to keep her in boxes until you're free
Skye found a new home & moved out.

Felicity has been taken off of reserve & is up for grabs again.

Cyrano is moving out soon, he's unreserved & will be voided if no one wants him.

from here on out i'm going to start speeding up the cycling process, meaning unreserved boxed villagers will be voided if not claimed within at most an hour (sometimes less), and i'm no longer going to be inviting villagers from the campsite and probably won't be announcing new random move ins. once the remaining reserved villagers are moved into their new towns (or taken off reserve) i'll hold a small giveaway for some hybrids, mushrooms and whatever else that grew naturally in the town during the course of all the cycling. after that, i'm going to erase the town as i want to start a second one for myself! i'm glad i was able to help people achieve villagers they wanted with Onward for the time being. it was fun!​

Cyrano couldn't find a new home & was voided.

Olivia is moving out soon, but she's reserved for @Snooty
Hi! Could I get bluebear please? I don’t quite have enough tbt, but I do have all the Sanrio sets if you want any? Thankss! [edit: I actually just got the TBT if you still want it lol]

Town: Ursa
Name: Ranch
Reserving: Bluebear
Total: 6 TBT
Availability: Anytime after 3pm on weekdays, anytime on weekends
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If the person above doesn’t end up with Bluebear I’d like to reserve her! But if not I’m interested in Flurry!

Town: Indigo
Mayor: Mandy
Villager(s) Reserving: Bluebear OR Flurry
Total: 5tbt
Availability: anytime after 4:30 on weekdays and all day on weekends (I also have specific availability for certain days if that would be easier!)
Sorry for the chain reaction, but if the person above doesn't get Flurry, I'd love her!

Town: Dulce
Mayor: Yuuka
Villager reserving: Flurry
Total: 5TBT
Availability: anytime after 5pm EST on weekdays, usually all day weekends.
Sorry for the chain reaction, but if the person above doesn't get Flurry, I'd love her!

Town: Dulce
Mayor: Yuuka
Villager reserving: Flurry
Total: 5TBT
Availability: anytime after 5pm EST on weekdays, usually all day weekends.

You can have Flurry! I actually managed to get her already!
Hi again haha :) Is it cool if I reserve a villager? If so:
Town: Animal
Mayor: Angela
Villager Reserving: Katt
Total: 5 TBT
Availability: from about 4-8:30 on weekdays and most of the day on weekends (PST)