Oogly Villagers!


The Magical Mermaid
Apr 16, 2014
Blue Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Rasher is oogly.
Bill is oogly, he looks like a dry hot dog weener
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Yeah. Rasher is quite smugly but I wouldn't go as far as saying he looks like am aborted baby, and yet I have 2 pictures of him on display in my house.

I also find Cherry, monique and Elise to be oogly too.
I also find Cherry, monique and Elise to be oogly too.
Cherry is cool, she's a rad supervillain dog. Elise is pretty hideous and the whole Marylin Monroe thing doesn't work for Monique.

Anyway Chrissy and Francine look like aliens with too much glitter and makeup, and they're hideous. I hate some of the wolves because they remind me of furries, Rodney looks stoned and he has bad acne, and Tipper and Naomi are just stupid looking and fat. And Angus has the dumbest expression on his face and should of been sent to the butcher block a long time ago.

I could go on and on really.
Rasher scared the heck out of me when i saw him. Elise is quite oogly. And i don't really like the look of most of the eagles or gorillas.
I don't like AC dogs (exception being Walker and Lucky), so I'm with you on Cherry.

I always liked Rasher though, he looks cute and it looks like something terrible happened to him. I think he must have escaped a butcher shop. Or maybe AC really is heaven and he was killed on a hog farm.

...and Bill is my very favorite, take it back!
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