~ Shannice ~
Sleepy goddess
it's quite nice of you to help people like this at prices anyone could afford. <3
Island Name: hope haven
Villager requested: shino, please
Payment amount & type (tbt or nmt): tbt
Do you have an open plot?: sterling is set to move out; ive been keeping my game on the same day to prevent a random from moving in while i hunted. so, technically, yes, as soon as i let him leave.
Your time zone (mine is UK time - GMT): cst - texas, usa
Donating crafting materials? (❤Optional. If yes please state what you’re donating!❤): i have a bit of everything; were you needing one kind in particular?
request accepted, will dm you tomorrow as I’m busy for this evening with orders!
im mostly looking for wood, hardwood & softwood