I was looking at some dream town reviews and came across some scorn regarding rooms that were copied from another user's town. I never really thought about it before, but how is this treated in the AC fandom? Especially for ACNL, where hundreds of iconic towns were lost from the update - is it bad to copy a room layout if the town (and therefore the room), for all intent and purposes, doesn't exist anymore?
Similarly, what about getting inspiration from pictures of other people's rooms? I personally used inspiration pictures for the layout and design of a few of my rooms, and while they definitely aren't carbon copies, you could pinpoint certain aspects that both share.
I was just curious and wanted to hear what you guys thought!
Similarly, what about getting inspiration from pictures of other people's rooms? I personally used inspiration pictures for the layout and design of a few of my rooms, and while they definitely aren't carbon copies, you could pinpoint certain aspects that both share.
I was just curious and wanted to hear what you guys thought!