Opinions on happy home designer?

I liked it because it makes you design homes for really cute villagers. I loved it but of course it isn't the animal crossing we know its different but some people just don't like it but I love it.
My opinion is that it is a good at the start but gets boring! I have been playing it for a while now and I do think it is a good game just a bit repetitive at times, which can make it quite boring which I find annoying. I end up doing one persons house and turning it off because I am bored :(
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i enjoyed HHD for a small amount of time before it all got really repetitive and boring for me personally.
while i like decorating and stuff like that, it was all you really do so i got bored after about.
a few hours of playing.
still a good game though!
I feel like the only person who doesnt get bored from this game. Sure its repetitive but as a designer, its a building of my strengths for architectural designs. Would be much better if we have the ability to add more rooms and no need for amiibo cards to invite other villagers to others’ houses.
I bought it when it came out, played it a bit... it sat on the shelf for like a year until I picked it back up. It's fun in its own right and it's great for if you have an hour to spare. Gives me ideas for my own rooms too, but I wish you could design your own "room" in the game for yourself so you don't have to do it in ACNL and waste bells on ideas that don't work owo

Also it makes me wish you can put things on half-tiles in ANCL!
I've played Happy Home Designer and while it was very fun at the beginning, I start to kinda lose
the interest after a short time. I don't know, I was able to unlock everything quite fast, I tried to
design as much villager houses as I could, but it wasn't so much fun as it used to be. After a while,
I played it less and less until I stop playing it completely. I mean, the game is not bad, it's also very
cute and all, but yeah... It became kinda boring for me. I guess I prefer more to have a own town
and so on. After all, I didn't spent so much time into this game then I did in New Leaf.
ive had it for a year and played quite a bit - i like it, but i need to be in a mood i guess? it can be so relaxing and fun to play, but sometimes i try to play it and it feels like a chore :/ i go through phases when i play it a lot and phases when i dont pick it up for weeks or months, but overall i dont regret buying it and im glad i have it because it completes acnl in a nice way
I bought the game, got bored of it after only a few hours and then pretty much abandoned it.

Landscaping is my favorite thing to do in New Leaf and it turned out just decorating interiors just wasn't as interesting to me. Now that game to me functions as a glorified quick mayor-look-tester since at least it lets you change your entire appearance at will, so that I can plan out what I want my characters to look like in New Leaf before I create them.

Wouldn't have payed 50 euros for just a mayor tester though. But I guess I also got the card-reader out of it, which was useful since I don't have a New Nintendo 3DS.
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Personally, I?m someone who prefers not to decorate the houses. I do enjoy it, but I don?t want only that in a game. I think a good game that caters to both parties on that is the sims. I prefer actually playing. That?s why I really like New Leaf! I love designing my house and deciding what I want, but I wouldn?t love the game if that?s all it was. That being said though- I do really like HHD. I played it endlessly for days when it first came out... but I haven?t played since! lol. It entertains and continues to entertain a certain audience, the ones who love to design. By all means, it?s certainly not a bad game! I think it just doesn?t suit some people.
I played it for a fair amount of hours but I re-sold it pretty quick. I'm not that good at decorating and that became a problem haha.
I just got it today and it's pretty fun for a while but it got old pretty fast and I felt like I wasn't rewarded for my tasks. Overall a nice side game to tie us over I suppose?
i like it a lot 8( it does get very repetitive but i enjoyed it so much esp when i first saw the new items that weren't out in new leaf yet (that're now introduced with the WA update) ;;;
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Its a good game for people that like designing homes (hence home designer) or buildings, its also a way to make villager homes quirky (like for example, i booted it up last night and did a home for tipper, she wanted a dairy farm, that was pretty fun)

Really, like everyone else has said in the thread, its a good game, but only in small doses, its not meant to be played for a long time, you could get a few homes done and call it a day, but if you're a perfectionist and you really want to make the home the way the villager wants it, you only do one and then postpone it for later on to complete later.
I heard a lot of pros and cons about the whole thing, but I like it. I can see where people can get ideas for NL from it too. It's good for those who like designing and things of that sort, so pretty much what everyone else has said, hahah.
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it seems kind of boring to me. i don’t have the game but my friend does and i’ve watched let’s plays of it and while watching other ppl play is entertaining, actually playing it is too unrewarding for me. like you i’m mostly interested in actually playing-building my town and my friendships with my villagers
I like this, I like moving and furnishing houses
It was pretty fun, and it was really nice seeing the new features that could possibly be in the next main game. It felt like it was something like a filler, to hold us until it comes out. Lasted me maybe a couple weeks. It was fun but doesn't feel like a big full game. But it does scratch the itch of interior design for me, and being able to control what's happening on the outside is cool too. But not something I would pay full price though. A friend gave it to me, so I didn't lose anything out of it. But it's worth a try with a price cut in my opinion!
I think the game is good if you enjoy interior decorating but the game does get boring and repetitive even if you do enjoy interior decorating. I still play it from time to time mostly at night when i'm bored or before bed its nice and stress free.