We have just had our first neighbour move out and my 8 year old cried and cried the day they saw her packing up her things even mailed her to beg her not to move house... took me ages to explain that someone new would move in soon and not to worry she just needed a new house... Oh my !
In my town I'm trying my hardest to get rid of Amelia, but really I'd be fine with any of them moving except for Bunnie, Bones and Curt. Those are my faves <3 I'd like some new neighbors!
As stated unless they are my favs, I want them to leave. I have a question about this, when a neighbor says he/she wishes to move and you ask them to stay, do they stay or move away anyway?
it all depends, I had Elmer and he wanted to move but i told him to stay many times but he sitll ended up moving, though when Annabelle said she wanted to move and I told her stay...well she's still in my town, so it goes both ways.
If you ask your neighbors a bunch of times not to move and only stop asking when they change their answer to something like, 'I'll think about it' or 'maybe I should change my mind' they will stay. I kept Nan from moving in WW for 6 months or so by doing that.
Usually, I don't really mind animals moving. I too get old of them repeating the same statements and catchphrases. I would only want a couple animals to permanently live in my town (Walker & Tangy). But for the most part I would rather get a new neighbor like every week. It seems that animals moved out much more often in Wild World than City Folk. I have had the game for a month and only ONE animal has moved. While in Wild World I would have an animal move out like every week!