Trading or [Buying] Diana, Beau or Lopez paying in Bells


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2013
100% (3) +
Hi! I got a place for a dreamie and I'm looking for Diana, Beau or Lopez just tell me your price I'll pay well

Sorry for my english :blush:
I'll give 20m for Diana and 10m for Beau, Lopez can wait.
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Those are huge amounts but Diana goes for 20-30mil now O.O'
Beau's price is pretty accurate I think :3
Good luck c:
My sister has Diana in her new town; I've checked in with her and she'd be more than willing to trade her for 20 mil if you're willing to wait until this weekend :)
My sister has Diana in her new town; I've checked in with her and she'd be more than willing to trade her for 20 mil if you're willing to wait until this weekend :)

Oh nice but i going to travel this weekend and I'm not back until Tuesday
Mmk, she'll try and hold her for you until then :) She has Wednesday-Friday off next week as well, so she's wholly willing to wait!