I have 3 dandelion puffs and 3 sparkling cider for you. How many did you want? May i please have katie's globe. I'll pay for it.
If all you want is just Katie's pic, I'd be happy to trade it for your 2-3 dandelions.
Also PMed you my FC.
Thank you!
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By Chinese zodiac set, do you mean the little bobble heads (zodiac snake, zodiac horse, etc)? If so, I can offer 1mil.
Edit: I can also trade up to 4 white carnations and/or 4 Jacob's ladders if you'd prefer those to bells.
Hi ceribells
Yes I mean like you said that's 12 animal models.
And thank you for the offer. Yes I rather prefer trading than selling. ^ ^
How about 4 Jacob's ladders, 4 White carnations, and 70k for the set?
Just I need some time to get this set since I need to TT 12 years. xD
Let me know if this is okay.
Thank you!