Selling or Trading DIYs, Models, Unorderables, Art, **Items Added Somewhat Regularly**

  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. TBT Bells
  4. Wishlist Items
  5. Other
Hey! Can I buy the following:

Mysterious Painting (Always Real)
Sinking Painting (Always real)
Twinkling Painting (Always Real)
Warm Painting (Always Real)
Real Academic Painting
Real Jolly Painting
Real Quaint Painting
Real Wild Painting Right Half
Real Wistful Painting
Real Beautiful Statue
Real Informative Statue

for 30 NMT?
Unfortunately, I usually charge arount 10 TBT/NMTs per piece of in this instance I would only sell 3 pieces for 30 NMT.
Don't feel like doing business tonight, just bumping the thread so I don't have to find it again amidst all the camp postings.
Hi, still interested in the Tree Branch Wreath DIY, but I'd also like the Dala Horse. 20 tbt for both?
Hi! I'm interested in these DIYs. I think it's 73 TBT.

oil barrel bathtub
dark cosmos crown
mum crown
pansy crown
rose crown
chic windflower wreath
fancy rose wreath
mum wreath
Hi! I'm interested in these DIYs. I think it's 73 TBT.

oil barrel bathtub
dark cosmos crown
mum crown
pansy crown
rose crown
chic windflower wreath
fancy rose wreath
mum wreath
Yep, if you're still interested in these just let me know. I was also about to add a Purple Windflower Crown if you need that as well.