Selling Orderables, unorderables + villager pics

Wanted to come over right now but I got an erorr. :( Sorry! Should I come over later?
Sorry let me try opening again :(

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Sorry for the inconvenience! Looks like my net can't handle two visitors at a time so I'll have to open my gate one at a time lol. You can come now Perry, I have your items outside the station
Sorry let me try opening again :(

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Sorry for the inconvenience! Looks like my net can't handle two visitors at a time so I'll have to open my gate one at a time lol. You can come now Perry, I have your items outside the station

On my way!
I have to sleep real soon but if you're available now I can open my gates for you!!
Sorry I didn't see this earlier! I'm still on so you can come by. What's your fc?