Over 10000 ways to to go to jail


May 20, 2009
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We're trying to get to 10000 ways to go to jail. Simple, amirite? Just try to keep track of the numbers.

1) Slap a baby in the face then flip him off in public right in front of a policeman's face.
1st step to gaining respect: Don't use internet memes in the titles of your thread.
2nd step to gaining respect: Don't make an overused, clich
lol he said OVER 9000!!!! just liek in taht one video i saw on youtube lol xDDD i heard that its from this site called 4chan xDDDDDDDDD
Cook children
Cook anybody
Eat people
Get an island and hunt men
Sell organs on street corners
Sell children on street corners
Sell anybody on street corners
Sell your body on the streets
Sell children's bodys on the street
Sell anybody's body on the street
Chase cars in populated citys
Visit a Jail
Visit a Jail and shank a guard
Shank anybody
Lose a big court case
RIp off people in the stock market

I will stop for now