Mafia Overwatch Mafia - End Game, Town wins!

Can Dancers be roleblocked?

What roles will a roleblock fail on?

Roleblockers (Dancers on Azurilland) can not roleblock another Roleblocker, it fill return as a failure.

A Roleblocker will receive a failed notification if they roleblock either another Roleblocker or the Godfather.
Wait. So you roleblocked Heyden but you were roleblocked?

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In that case there's a contradicting claim abt what Happened last night then
That doesn't make sense. You can't be roleblocked if you are the roleblocker. Either we have a third one or Heyden is the godfather, if you're not lying about your role.
Wait. So you roleblocked Heyden but you were roleblocked?

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In that case there's a contradicting claim abt what Happened last night then

I didn't role block Heyden because I got role blocked, the PMs were weird.

I think things got mixed up because I originally targeted someone else and then I changed my mind like a second later.

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Okay then I did role block Heyden then?

So I just misinterpreted the Pm, sorry guys.

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I had two PMS saying that I failed and one said I didn't fail.
I think Curry might have sent someone else's PM to me by accident somehow.
Can you clarify your PMs with Curry please

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Otherwise heyden is confirmed godfather
1) Heyden 2) I'm not sure. It will be confirmed soon once I get a reply.

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Okay I got a reply!

Curry said that he mistyped his Pm to me and my role block did in fact fail on Heyden.

So is he a role blocker or the godfather?
If a roleblock fails, is the person who it failed on notified of that?

Looking back at posts, I don't see Hayden ever saying that they were roleblocked.
mafia roleblocker*

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True, it could also be white is acually maf
But I'm leaning town

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And ok if curry was godfather or mafia roleblocker
Why the heck would he disclose someone tried to roleblock him and it failed

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Oh my god my brain is ded
I meant if heyden was....*
That's exactly why. He didn't disclose it which makes it all the more suspicious if he knows that he was roleblocked.
mafia roleblocker*

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True, it could also be white is acually maf
But I'm leaning town

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And ok if curry was godfather or mafia roleblocker
Why the heck would he disclose someone tried to roleblock him and it failed

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Oh my god my brain is ded
I meant if heyden was....*

Isn't it overwatch vs talon? Mercy = Overwatch = Town.

I say vote Heyden too after this, the PMS confused me so I never said anything, sorry guys. Heyden most be mafia then unless there are more roleblockers, which I doubt.
I don't know anything about overwatch cept two characters genji and tracer or something lol

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hi heyden r u maf roleblocker or godfather
white just outed me anyway so i might as well just claim

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neither, i dont think you guys understand the mechanics
I don't know anything about overwatch cept two characters genji and tracer or something lol

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hi heyden r u maf roleblocker or godfather

Just go onto the overwatch character list on overwatch wikia and you'll find overwatch and talon.