Shop Owen's ~Actually Affordable~ Item Shop— EVERYTHING, ≤1 TBT PRICES! (temp closed)

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Hi, sorry if this question has been asked already, but do you have the 7/11 DLC + Filly's RV items?
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Hey again Owen, looking to buy from you again :)

Forum name: Kirbyz
In-game name: Kiki
Town name: Magnolia
3DS friend code: You have it
Order (please list each item's exact name as much as possible and add x1, x3, x10, etc to denote the amount of each item): Rare mushrooms x20, Pine tree saplings x60
Time zone: EST
General availability (including days of the week and times of day): Anytime
Special requests/notes: None, thanks again.
Hi, yes, so sorry about such a long delay! I can get it to you at either 10pm tonight or 1pm tomorrow (your time)

Hello! That'll be 64 TBT and I can get it to you at around 7pm tomorrow (your time) if that works for you!

I'm so sorry--I only just saw this :( I'm still available now if that works for you, if not we can arrange another time. Sorry again!
Forum name: Makusai
In-game name: Maku
Town name: Pinewick
3DS friend code: 0877-0854-5755
Order (please list each item's exact name as much as possible and add x1, x3, x10, etc to denote the amount of each item): hanging chair x1, wall-mounted TV x1, desk mirror x1, teacher's desk 1, tart x1, stack of clothes x1, school locker x1, kitchen island x1, counter seat x2, bowl sink x1
Time zone: Eastern
General availability (including days of the week and times of day): mon-fri after 1 pm
Special requests/notes: n/a
Hi, sorry if this question has been asked already, but do you have the 7/11 DLC + Filly's RV items?

I do! I am closing the thread for a day or two to catch up on previously placed orders but as soon as it has reopened you can place an order!

But yes, I apologize to all those looking to place an order! I am closing the shop for a day or two, most likely until Friday, as I have a lot on my plate and didn't really foresee the shop being this busy so quickly. I *will* be delivering orders during that time, just not taking new ones! If you have already posted in the thread your order has been accepted. I will be communicating with all current customers via private message! I apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your continued patience :)
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