Paintings you wish were in Animal Crossing

I would've really liked if they included "The Fall of Icarus" as a painting. I've always been fond of that art and the story behind it. :)
I don't know all the paintings that are in the game (I'm trying to avoid getting any help when it comes to telling fake paintings from real ones), but one of Frida Kahlo's self portraits would be nice, to give to Hazel if I had her in my town.
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I would have loved 'starry night' its always been my favorite painting...I'm not 100% sure if its in this game or not.
this xD

In all seriousness, I would like to see a Picasso painting
Something by Dali. It surprises me that there's something by Gaudi in the game but not Dali. Also something by David Hockney, simply because I live near where he's from.