Giveaway ☆ Pandoria's Art Contest! ☆ Winners Announced! ☆

@Pandoria btw, I don't know how you're @ing people, but I didn't get a notification… Are you not just typing "@" followed by the person's name? :o
I'll give it a try, that's a very original way to make a Raymond giveaway, if I don't try now I will never get him lmao
I'll probably be entering. Could you share some screenshots of cute/scenic areas of Wishu please? I'm thinking about drawing them having a little picnic somewhere.
Hi, I’d like to enter! I’m not that great at drawing though, but I’ll try my best!
@Cirice You can PM me! I'll add your art to a folder but will show when I reveal the results <3
@eminyan Can be any type of art! Chibi, headshot, bust, etc, I don't mind! Just be creative and have fun <3
@apollono Thank you! I'm excited to see your entry <3