Shop 🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️ [CLOSED]

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Hi @MasterM64! It's been a little bit, I hope you're doing well :blush:
I would like to trade in my Matryoshka Doll for your 2015 tasty cake slice
, if there is any TBT balance left let me know how much!
I'm sending the doll now
EDIT: I forgot, no message on the cake please
Hi @MasterM64! It's been a little bit, I hope you're doing well :blush:
I would like to trade in my Matryoshka Doll for your 2015 tasty cake sliceView attachment 480247, if there is any TBT balance left let me know how much!
I'm sending the doll now
EDIT: I forgot, no message on the cake please

Hello again! :D I’m doing well and I just sent the Tasty Cake your way! Additionally, I’ll be sending you 6 TBT for the remaining trade-in value for the doll. :) Pleasure doing business like always, enjoy the Tasty Cake!
Hi there! I’d like to trade in a Gastly Egg, Silent Night Bauble, Hot Cocoa, and a Matryoshka please.
No problem at all, I saw 700 and 500 mostly in search results which is why I offered the way I did, but feel free to counter offer if you would want! :)
I’m mostly trying to plan ahead for Easter, but my Inventory is full of things I’m having a hard time parting with. I’ll think a bit more and get back to you if I decide I really want to trade it!
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