Shop 🍀🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️🍀 [SHOP CLOSED]

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This order please: orange, tulip, rose, lily, cosmo, tulip, lily

9 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11

Total: 75 TBT

Thank you!

//sorry for changing my order xd

Sent them your way! It was a absolute pleasure doing business with you! Merry Christmas! :D
May I also have your 2 white tulips for a total of 22 TBT?

Absolutely! :D I received the TBT from you so I am sending the Tulips your way now! Pleasure doing business with you again and thank you for being a returning customer! :D
Woot! Sent the bells, now I await all the new puns!

Thank you for sending the TBT, I’ll send them your way as soon as I have access to conputer so I can efficiently attach new puns for each mitten! :D

EDIT: Sent them your way! Hope you love the new puns! ;) It was a absolute pleasure doing business with you! :D
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New Collectibles in Stock for Christmas Sale & Back in Town Early!

Hey everyone, I made it back to town earlier than anticipated so I get to announce some new collectibles in stock earlier than planned! :D Today I have added tons of new collectibles that are all part of the Christmas Sale which has only 2 days left approximately as of this post! :) One of the new collectibles added today is the very rare Classic Easter Egg which is perfect for those who love to collect the Easter Egg collectibles! :D All the new ones added are listed below, I hope everyones loves these new additions and find what they are looking for in my shop today! :D

2 Days Remaining!
Christmas Sale until December 26th @ 12:00AM (GMT -5)!!!
*AT LEAST 25% OFF All Collectibles with Red or Green on them along with ALL Candy Collectibles!
*Except for items colored on the listing.

Classic Easter Egg04-19-2014 04:36 PM1200 TBT (was 1600!)x 1
Apple11-20-2017 12:42 AM600 TBT (was 800!)x 1
Jingle Doll12-24-2015 02:31 PM131 TBT (was 175!)x 1
Purple Violet06-01-2018 10:25 AM11 TBT (was 15!)x 1
Yellow Violet06-01-2018 10:25 AM11 TBT (was 15!)x 1
Red Lily 05-28-2018 06:53 PM11 TBT (was 15!)x 1
White Lily05-28-2018 06:53 PM11 TBT (was 15!)x 1
White Pansy05-31-2018 07:32 PM11 TBT (was 15!)x 1
Yellow Pansy 05-31-2018 07:32 PM11 TBT (was 15!)x 1
White Cosmos05-31-2018 10:51 AM11 TBT (was 15!)x 1
Yellow Cosmos05-31-2018 10:51 AM11 TBT (was 15!)x 1
Thank you for looking and for your interest! :D
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New Collectibles in Stock and Merry Christmas Eve!

Hello everyone, before I hit the hay for the night after a Christmas Eve full of fun, I just wanted to announce that I have new collectibles in stock including a Green Feather and most are part of the Christmas Sale as well (listed below)! :) Part of this stock as well is the newly-tradeable Christmas Candy which was untradeable for a long while!! :D I hope all of you enjoy these new additions to my shop and I wish all of you a very merry Christmas! :D

= On Sale/On Special
= Not Included in Sale

Green Feather12-23-2018 09:03 AM1200 TBTx 1
Christmas Candy SOLD!12-23-2018 11:55 AM
12-26-2017 09:31 PM
150 TBT (was 200!)x 2
Jingle Doll12-16-2015 03:43 PM131 TBT (was 175!)x 1
Blue Candy10-30-2017 08:56 PM67 TBT (was 90!)x 1
Green Candy10-29-2016 09:59 PM45 TBT (was 60!)x 1
Yellow Candy01-13-2017 05:28 PM15 TBT (was 20!)x 1
Thank you for looking and for your interest! :D
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Can I buy both the Christmas candies? I’ll send the tbt, thank you

Absolutely! :D I received the TBT and I am sending them your way now! :) It was a absolute pleasure doing business with you and I wish you a merry Christmas!! :D
Last Day of Christmas Sale!

Hey everyone, Merry Christmas from the U.S.A.! :D Today is the last day of the Christmas Sale if you are still looking for collectibles for your lineups or are shopping for gifts for fellow Belltrians! :) I wish everyone a merry Christmas and I will try to check often to process any orders today! :D

Christmas Sale until December 26th @ 12:00AM (GMT -5)!!!
*AT LEAST 25% OFF All Collectibles with Red or Green on them along with ALL Candy Collectibles!
*Except for items colored on the listing.
Hi there, I would like to take all 5 Red Candy collectibles please. No messages needed.
Sending TBT now!
Hi there, I would like to take all 5 Red Candy collectibles please. No messages needed.
Sending TBT now!

Awesome! :D I just received the TBT and I am sending them your way now! :) It was absolute pleasure doing business with you and I wish you a very merry (late) Christmas!! :D
Awesome! :D I just received the TBT and I am sending them your way now! :) It was absolute pleasure doing business with you and I wish you a very merry (late) Christmas!! :D

Thanks a lot! Wish you also a very merry (late) christmas! :blush:
Thanks a lot! Wish you also a very merry (late) christmas! :blush:

You are absolutely welcome and I definitely did! :D I sent the beauties your way, please come see my shop again if you have any future collectible needs and thank you again for your business! ;)
May I also get that one Red Candy you got? ^^ Sending the TBT!

Absolutely! :D I'll send it your way as soon as I receive the notification! Pleasure doing business with you again and thank you for being a returning customer! :)
New Collectibles in Stock and Going Out of Town Again for New Year's

Hello everyone, besides the Christmas Sale (which turned out really well in my opinion!) ending today, I have a couple announcements to make! The first being that I have a couple new collectibles in stock which is a nice delivery of Green Candy fresh from the North Pole which are listed below (I had a ton of Red Candy as well, but they sold as soon as I put them up xD)! :D

Lastly, I am going out of town again starting tomorrow for New Year's and in celebration of me graduating college! :D I will be back in town most likely by January 1st! ;) I will try to check here often, but there may be delays in me processing orders during this time. Feel free to continue making orders though and don't worry everyone will get what they order/pay for during this time! I wish everyone a very happy New Year and the absolute best! :D Thank you to everyone for taking time to check out my shop today and to read this announcement! :)

Green Candy12-26-2018 08:07 AM
12-26-2018 05:25 AM
30 TBTx 2
Thank you for looking and for your interest! :D
Hi friend! May I buy your white pansy with a message, please? c:

Absolutely my dear and sweet friend! :D I'll send it your way with a friendly message as soon as I see the notification of receiving the TBT! :)
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