Thank you very much! I will cherish it
hello, can I also clean out all your common flowers, minus the yellow violet?
276 tbt, I believe?
no messages needed
hello again! may i please get your purple candy? looking to complete the candy set
Hello again! Absolutely, I'll send the beauty your way as soon as I receive the TBT from you!
sent it all your way
just sent the tbt
Been debating it all day, I think I'm going to jump on that classic Easter Egg
P.S. the way you set up your shop is sooo cool! It looks so professional, you should be proud
Awesome! I'll send the absolutely amazing egg your way as soon as I receive the TBT from you! Thank you so much for the feedback, I always appreciate it because I want to provide the best service possible for my customers!
thanks again, and just as a heads up: it seems like you also accidentally purged the yellow violet from the inventory listing when clearing everything else out
I mean unless someone else just bought that too, then carry on
Could I buy 2 Tasty Cakes? Sweet messages on both would be appreciated!
I see you have an easter egg, so I think I'll help you lighten up once again
Awesome, talking about the regular one (not classic)? I'll send the TBT your way as soon as I receive the TBT as usual!
wow, I get free tbt too? this is the sweetest shop
and yeah, regular. (kinda interested in classic, but hesitant towards spending 1k+ for when more might go back into circulation again, post-ac switch release via returning members)
hey masterm64, is the date wrong for your classic Easter egg? it says 12-23-2018 09:03 AM i wasn't aware of any released with that date!