Retro Braniac
Well, course you have to add me first... and i have all the fruit now but the coconut--so all those players who are missing a fruit can gladly collect for your own town. ^_^
Just be sure to not screw anything up to horribly: And who knows, i might give out prizes for showing up. ^_^
I do currently have an Arwing thats up for grabs, and a red zap suit.. and hwo knows, imight even give out the items in my house even (well,not all of them, i do need my harvest cabinet and mario coin and block, but the rest is open. ^_^ Only one per person though.)
It is a party after all May as well enjoy it!
So who's all up to hanging out at the roost with K.K.Slider and getting free junk? XD
Just be sure to not screw anything up to horribly: And who knows, i might give out prizes for showing up. ^_^
I do currently have an Arwing thats up for grabs, and a red zap suit.. and hwo knows, imight even give out the items in my house even (well,not all of them, i do need my harvest cabinet and mario coin and block, but the rest is open. ^_^ Only one per person though.)
It is a party after all May as well enjoy it!
So who's all up to hanging out at the roost with K.K.Slider and getting free junk? XD