Party Popping Puzzles

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Cheers to you Answer Key.png
All tickets have been distributed for this event, thank you all for playing!
I just looked for cheers to you - everything else was super easy afterwards. It was a lot of fun!
Tickets thus far have been distributed for Round 4, you have until 9PM tonight if you haven't submitted yet!

What was your favorite puzzle this year?

Puzzle three was my favorite! :D It made me feel a little like I was playing Clue again!
I solved it by assuming a repeated 3 letter word was 'and' and went from there... halfway through the puzzle I realized I could have just used the 'cheers to you' key 😂 I also made an assumption with bell tree forums, which was correct.

My favorite puzzle was the logic one! I don't get to do those very often. I also liked the nonagram/picross even if it was tricky. I'm grateful the puzzles were achievable and not impossible like the mirrors, lol.
I started with ‘-ing’ but collectibles was the first full word I identified
I wouldn’t have guessed collectibles, but looking back it makes a lot of sense! I found ‘Bell Tree’ which is usually a good guess for things on this site and worked from there:)
I first found the three letter words, and basing it off of that, figured out which letters were e, then t and h, and just went from there!
I had no idea where to start. So I took a break from it and was looking at the collectibles trying to figure out which one I wanted to try for. When I realized that collectibles would probably be in the puzzle so I went from there.
Thanks for the puzzles Kaiaa! I think my favourite was the first one because it was the easiest 😅 but having a variety of puzzle types was also fun!
Well, I missed out on the last two due to other priorities (didn't do the second one either but that's only because I've never done a picross puzzle before), but this event was pretty fun nonetheless. Hopefully more events like this will happen in the future!
Genuinely might have been the hardest cryptogram I’ve ever solved. No one letter words or apostrophes, in the end I got started by looking out for event related words like “birthday” or “puzzle”. When that filled in “presents wrapped” I knew I was onto something 😂

Thanks for this event! I’ve really loved it 😊
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