Pashmina's backstory


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Pashmina snuck into her house, hoping her parents wouldn't notice the delay between her getting out of school and getting home. She had a very important item hidden under her shirt, and one she knew her parents would take away if found. Fortunately, all seemed quiet in the house and she crept up to her room and shut the door behind her. With a sigh of relief at being able to escape without notice, she pulled out the small, flat package and smiled.
The CD inside featured goats with long fringes covering their faces, dyed in unnatural colors. Gothic script across the top declared the CD to be by 'The Fainting Goats', a heavy metal band. Her parents did not approve of any music that contained any instruments that required electricity to function. She slid her portable CD player out from under her pillow, popped in the CD, and stuck her headphones on. She soon faded into a blissful meditation, and, shortly after, sleep.
She was awoken by her door slamming open. It was her father, tired of knocking on her door. Pashmina jerked upright from her bed and tried to hide the CD before he could find it. Unfortunately, he was too quick and snatched it from her hooves.
"What is this? Is this devil music? How did you get this?" He demanded, steam huffing from his nostrils, leaning close in. Pashmina tried to lean away and he jerked her headphones off as well. A few seconds of listening told him everything he needed to know.
"No dinner!" He cried. He paused at the door. "Your mother will be sick when she heads about this. You are hurting your mother!" Pashmina began to cry, just a little bit, at being frightened and found out. She heard her parents arguing downstairs, no doubt assigning blame for their rebel daughter on each other.
Pashmina covered her ears with her hooves, and her brain began to take over. She slowly slid her hooves from her ears and began to think, hard.
She wasn't happy in her home, and wouldn't be happy in a community that judged her for following her own beat, and not her parent's drums. She was 17, and done with all the important bits of school. Why not move out? Why not find a town that could accept her for who she is, how she dresses, and what she listens to?
Parents still arguing, she began to pack. She didn't have a whole lot she wanted to take with her. Most of the items she had, her parents had bought, and weren't her style. What little bells she had, and enough clothes to get by, and she was out of the window, showing off her natural goat agility.
She was fortunate to rapidly find a group of like-minded outcasts rather quickly, who set her up with their cast offs. She didn't mind, rejoicing in the fact that she could express herself the way she wanted, and had no one to yell at her. She wrote letter after letter to her parents, apologizing each time for her actions and begging forgiveness. She only received one reply, from her father, which was a very short 'You're hurting your mother with you actions'. She stopped writing, determined to make her own way, and her own family. She happened upon a vacancy in a little town called Khazdhan, and decided she would make her home there.
Still young and inexperienced, but now surrounded by kind, loving, inclusive animals, Pashmina now sets her sights on growing into the talented young musician she thinks she can be.