Nah. Worst she's done was piss off one of my neighbors by "barking too much outside". She even called and told is to "shut our dog up" but I couldn't care less. My dog was a bit of a brat but she could never embarass me, honestly.
One time the leash broke when we were walking our Saint Bernard. He's a big dog and there were other smaller dogs. We were afraid he would attack them or they would get in a fight with him. Thankfully that didn't happen.
all the time it's nothing serious but my dog loves people like LOVES people so he's always trying to get near every human he sees. anyone who pays him attention and compliments him he would try to jump on them or try to get too close and would nearly knock them down
We took my dog to get a treat and a toy at the pet store on her birthday cuz they sent a coupon. We did not think about the fact that this pet store was across the street from her former groomer’s place, or that she would recognize it after not having gone there for over a year. She does not like being groomed and always gets anxious even just right upon arrival. And when she gets anxious… she sometimes makes messes, and sometimes they are not just puddles. So we take her into the store, she’s been in there for all of 5 seconds, we’ve just said hi to the workers and told them it’s her birthday, and she just… immediately takes care of her anxiety right then and there We felt bad for her too cuz we didn’t realize we were gonna make her anxious on her birthday
This little dork (affectionate) only gets "unleashed" onto the public when we take her to her grooming and vet appointments (and she's in her carrier for 99.9% of the time), so she hasn't really had an opportunity to embarrass me yet. She's always surprisingly well-behaved at all her appointments, which is a big contrast from how she is at home LOL
However, sometimes we let her out into our apartment floor's hallway to roam, and I'm terrified that one day while she's out there, someone's going to come out of their apartment and she's just going to... dart into it... and I will have to move out immediately 'cause if I have to get my cat out of someone else's apartment??? goodbye