I am a huge fan of the Animal Crossing series. I remember playing each and every one of the Animal Crossing games and loving it. (ACWW kinda of sucked) It's fun to imagine what the next possible AC game might be like. I'm going to start off with what I hope to see in the future.
Animal Crossing: Jungle 3DS
Animal Crossing: Forest Frenzy Wii U
Animal Crossing: Paradise Wii U
I hope they bring Wisp back because I really loved his character and what you can do with him. I also hope they can introduce new features within the game and new characters. You can go to your own private island and name it whatever you want, You can explore an entire new area that is a somewhat enchanted forest. I'd LOVE to be able to create your own villagers. Like there will be a laboratory that you and Blanca will run together and you can create from scratch, You can make a dog, or a bird, or even an alien!! I would also love the idea of having the option to play as an animal of your choice instead of always a human. Feel free to jot down your ideas and hopes!
Animal Crossing: Jungle 3DS
Animal Crossing: Forest Frenzy Wii U
Animal Crossing: Paradise Wii U
I hope they bring Wisp back because I really loved his character and what you can do with him. I also hope they can introduce new features within the game and new characters. You can go to your own private island and name it whatever you want, You can explore an entire new area that is a somewhat enchanted forest. I'd LOVE to be able to create your own villagers. Like there will be a laboratory that you and Blanca will run together and you can create from scratch, You can make a dog, or a bird, or even an alien!! I would also love the idea of having the option to play as an animal of your choice instead of always a human. Feel free to jot down your ideas and hopes!