Looking For Patten idea help


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2024
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I go to dream islands and some have that port thing were you can down load it players pattens . And I am at complete awe when I see them . Like how can I make cool pattens like that ? I’m jealous lol . I wish I was that talented . But if anyone can maybe help me with some tips how to make some nice patterns that would be greatly appreciated ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Have you tried acpatterns.com ?
You choose 'editor', then you can upload an img. It converts it to 32x32 pixel.

I haven't done more than upload img and see how they turned out. Pretty decent, actually. You can use your own art design img or photo img, etc.
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So here's what it does.
Had a puppy pic (not my dog, the neighbor pups always visit). Uploaded it. You could upload flooring design pics, nature pics, your own art, seems ok. Might have to tweak the design a bit after.

Original pic


So- could be fun to play with and come up with some cool stuff.
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All my designs were created on a free pixel program like Pixilart or Pixel Studio on my iPad (its available on desktop and android) and then I'd take a screengrab where I'd transfer it to my phone. These programs are nice because they have layers like in Photoshop or any major drawing program unlike the in-game custom design editor. Once I get my sketch down, I will copy the outline into the in-game custom design editor and fully finish it.

Here's some old flag designs I've done for other people all using the free programs I listed. The top is my sketch and the bottom is the finished design.



If you want to try this process, I would definitely look at expert pixel artists (don't copy them) but study how they portray depth or how they mastered shapes. They are worth learning off of.
Have you tried acpatterns.com ?
You choose 'editor', then you can upload an img. It converts it to 32x32 pixel.

I haven't done more than upload img and see how they turned out. Pretty decent, actually. You can use your own art design img or photo img, etc.
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So here's what it does.
Had a puppy pic (not my dog, the neighbor pups always visit). Uploaded it. You could upload flooring design pics, nature pics, your own art, seems ok. Might have to tweak the design a bit after.

So- could be fun to play with and come up with some cool stuff.
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wow thats cool i will try that out thank you :)
The pixilart looks cool! For some reason the last forest designs remind me of how the animated forests were done for the old sleeping beauty movie, with the layers.

I kind of want to try a halloween design now.
I wish I could get my youngest brother to play this game. He is literally a master at pixel art. But he sticks with his tried and true SNES and he remakes/updates/improves super old games. He won't venture into anything made after the 90's or so 😞

This game would be perfect for him.

I just realized this isn't helpful in any way whatsoever to you lol, just thinking out loud. I truly admire the artists who create designs and patterns!!!