Shop Pengu's Graphics Shop | [Sigs/Avatars/Refs/Etc.] Check for openings~ [Stream: OFF]


Username: Cam,
Name of Character: April
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Scalloped Edge?: (If yes, what size and type? If no, put "N/A") N/A
Border: whatever looks best
Colors: (border, background colors) anything really
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: red
Art: (please provide link(s) and the artist(s) who drew it)
1. xCherryskyx on TBT
2. Zane on TBT
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") Any really
Font Preferences: (if any, otherwise, I'll just play around with it) any
Format: ("ID Card" or "Freestyle." Pick one.) Freestyle
Color Palette: (separated, grouped, or none? Pick one. If "none" or "grouped" please also fill out the next line) Separated please
Quick Facts: (only do this if you choose put "grouped" or "none" for color palette.)
Describe your character in 5 words or less: Snotty, Rich, Ignorant yet Sweet
Anything else: Thanks!

- Sigs/Banners: 3 slots open. Finished Sucre's sig and added it to the front.

- Avatars: 4 slots open. Finished kaylagirl's avatars and added them to the front.

- Ref Sheets: 2 slots open.

And just as a lil reminder, I do have update forms now, so you can use those if you have any updates you'd like me to do. Let me know if I missed something or is confusing on the form. Definitely appreciated. :D



Username: Cam,
Name of Character: April
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Scalloped Edge?: (If yes, what size and type? If no, put "N/A") N/A
Border: whatever looks best
Colors: (border, background colors) anything really
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: red
Art: (please provide link(s) and the artist(s) who drew it)
1. xCherryskyx on TBT
2. Zane on TBT
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") Any really
Font Preferences: (if any, otherwise, I'll just play around with it) any
Format: ("ID Card" or "Freestyle." Pick one.) Freestyle
Color Palette: (separated, grouped, or none? Pick one. If "none" or "grouped" please also fill out the next line) Separated please
Quick Facts: (only do this if you choose put "grouped" or "none" for color palette.)
Describe your character in 5 words or less: Snotty, Rich, Ignorant yet Sweet
Anything else: Thanks!

Hey Cam! Welcome back! Accepted and please send over 160 TBT bells as soon as you can. Thanks. :)

- Sigs/Banners: 3 slots open. Finished Sucre's sig and added it to the front.

- Avatars: 4 slots open. Finished kaylagirl's avatars and added them to the front.

- Ref Sheets: 2 slots open.

And just as a lil reminder, I do have update forms now, so you can use those if you have any updates you'd like me to do. Let me know if I missed something or is confusing on the form. Definitely appreciated. :D


Hey Cam! Welcome back! Accepted and please send over 160 TBT bells as soon as you can. Thanks. :)
Yeah. I woulda been back sooner, but my contest was taking up all my TBTB LOL. Sending now!
Okay, I just sent a report to have this shop moved to the new museum thread in the marketplace. I would just remake this thread, but I love all the posts and views this one has.... XD Rather not clutter up things.

UPDATE: Back in the Marketplace. :p Go fig I'm back here after moving to the Museum a few months back. XD

On a side note, I can update my title again! :D I asked Kaiaa about it and when she asked Jeremy, while there's no way to make it unlimited, it's now extended to a few years, which I'm perfectly fine with.

Who knows how I'll keep this shop open, BUT... the option is nice, though updating takes a few seconds, versus an instant update, since this thread is pretty huge... XD Very happy I definitely do NOT have to remake this thread, not that I really wanted to since I loved the fact that there's so many views and posts here.
Last edited:
Done streaming for today~

Thanks to everyone who popped by. :) Finished Kain's 2nd ref and will add it to the front shortly, as well as PMing her the full size version... which is pretty large. XD

Username: Butz
What do you want changed?: Villagers to- Teddy, Jacques, Felicity, Monique, Beau, Marcel, Cousteau, Chevre, Blanche, Gaston (getting rid of Flurry and Fang)
Which piece am I updating?: The one that's in my sig. (Do I need to find the original post? I think you've only done 1 for me and then updated it to my current one.)
Payment Total: 25 BTB yes? c:
Anything else: I don't think so. ^^ Thanks in advance!

Username: Butz
What do you want changed?: Villagers to- Teddy, Jacques, Felicity, Monique, Beau, Marcel, Cousteau, Chevre, Blanche, Gaston (getting rid of Flurry and Fang)
Which piece am I updating?: The one that's in my sig. (Do I need to find the original post? I think you've only done 1 for me and then updated it to my current one.)
Payment Total: 25 BTB yes? c:
Anything else: I don't think so. ^^ Thanks in advance!

Nope, you don't have to. If it wasn't in your sig, I'd ask for a link to the image... just in case. From what I recall, I've only made a single sig for you. Yep, it's 25 TBT bells, so please send that over as soon as you can.

Username: crystalmilktea
What do you want changed?:
Update villagers: Lucky, Marshall, Stitches, Flurry, Tia, Tiffany
Take away the Keeping/Trading key (you can keep everyone's name in whichever color is easier out of the two)
Which piece am I updating?: N/A (in sig)
Payment Total: 25TBT - more if needed, let me know!
Anything else: none