Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Nah I think I would die if I tried to cycle him back. Funny enough that's the 2nd time I've lost him. Maybe he's just not meant for my town so I'll take it as a sign. :p

And I think Sprinkles will be the one to permanently take his place as she already moved in and I actually like her a lot. Sending bells now. <3

Aww, really? TWICE?! Yeesh, that's bad luck indeed. D: Sounds good. Got payment and you're all set for now.

YAY I'm so excited!!!

I just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when you get a chance. :)


I have to head out for a lil while, but I will work on more banner stuff when I get home. Definitely on track to getting all my current requests on the front done for sure.
3 sigs done! :D Thanks dropinthebucket, PokeCam420, & Wolfie and hope you guys enjoy 'em! Already added them to the Flickr album and will be adding them to the front shortly.

All updates have been sent out and a major important note below:

This is my final post for this thread, as I've finished putting through all the revamp stuff for the new thread. I will be updating the front with a link to the new thread (as well as posting it below), so people know where to go. :)

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