Perfect Rating Acomplished


Senior Member
May 11, 2009
So I finished mapping out the town with patterns around all my roads and trees, and flowers, and painfuly recounting the squares, 2-3 times to double check my count was right when going around cliffs and across rivers, and then count the trees in EVERY grid square making sure I have between 12-15 in 90% of them and the rest have 10-11 trees. Flowers was the easy part for some reason lol.

Anyways the duck prude in the town hall gave me the message for a perfect rating, took 24 hours to get everything right. And this was done without DESTROYING my town and making grid patterns where it looks like crop fields when your growing trees lol. My town looks exactly the way I designed it originally and just has a few less trees in some acres and a few more in others :D

Finally, ahhhhhh, god that was a painful thing to do and all the counting of trees sucked. I think if you saw my town and the way things look, with trees spread out and not in single file likes you would understand, It looks so pretty now!

BTW this is my 4th day playing ^_^

and that ends my ranting!
yeah you should come take a walk with me through my town sometime, also get some headphones so we can use wii speak lol
Saianamy said:
yeah you should come take a walk with me through my town sometime, also get some headphones so we can use wii speak lol
Hahah, My Mum doesn't come home for 8-9 hours yet ^_^
Wii Speak as much as Wii like!
Congratulations!, Maybe i could take a walk. ;D(Not sure) Anyways i tried doing it too , Failed ;P
Congrats. I guess I never understood the whole pattern thing. People rely on it so much when they don't need to. It puts way too much extra work into it
What DirtyD says. I just put trees ramdomly and I already had tonnes of flowers everywhere (ask people who have come to my town before I didn't go on for a week ^_^ ). It majes is more fun if you ramdomly guess.
In my previous town, I didnt even go for a perfect town. I just made things look good. Made things look the way I thought it should, and it ended up being perfect.
Well done!

Just keep watering your flowers, pick ALL weeds that poke through and don't litter!
Thanks guys, no what I had done is gone nuts with trees, and i mean ape *censored.2.0*... I had some areas with like 22-24 trees and had to cut alot down lol. I love trees but I didnt know that at the time it would mess up my rating, thought it was help it, what can I say im brand new.

On a side note, if a weed escapes my sight, like hidden behind a tree and I miss it, does that mess up my rating? do I have to find every single of weed everyday?
Mickey I think I'm going to try for a perfect town, I've never had it before!
I will come help you count tiles if you are doing that method, if not its gonna take alot of flowers, also you will want tiles for diffrent fruit for looks, im pretty good with design, I will help you take it as far as you, want. Just know what I do usualy ends up being crap loads of work.