Permament DST VS Permanent Standard Time

Permament DST VS Permanent Standard Time

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Mar 4, 2022
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In light of Congress voting on the Sunshine Protection Act and various news articles discussing how sleep scientists are saying that standard time should be made permanent instead of DST, I thought I'd ask this here.

Would you rather have permanent DST, or permanent Standard Time?

As for me, I'm going to wait and see the replies on this thread both one way and the other before I cast my own vote on this thread of mine.

Now, one common argument against the use of permanent DST instead of permanent standard time is that around the Winter Solstice, the sun won't come up until 8am, meaning that you'll have kids going to school in the dark. One common counter-argument to this is to have school start times be later, but the problem is, if you start school later, you'll also have to end school later. Even with permanent DST, you'll still not get that much daylight after hours around the Winter Solstice as the sun would still be going down at 6pm, and with later school start times and subsequently kids getting off school later, these kids would not be getting enough sunlight hours after school for outdoor recreation. Granted though, one thing I would suggest in this case is for the long off-season school break to be in the winter instead of summer, or at the very least winter break extended from 2 to 8 weeks, and summer break shortened from 10 to 4 weeks. This is not only for the daylight issue, but also because roads are generally much more dangerous to travel on in the winter. Plus, there are environmentally friendly methods to keep school buildings cool in the summer without using air conditioning.

Honestly, around the Winter Solstice, I would much rather have sunlight at 5pm than 7am. Granted, this may be because I usually wake up at 8am, but there is a valid point made that sunlight in the evening is far more important than sunlight in the morning.

My biggest gripe with DST is during the summer months, with the sun not going down until 9pm. Personal gripes being this gives me less night sky leisure time for creative pursuits that come more naturally at night than in the day. Even beyond my own personal biases though, the sun going down at 9pm is certainly problematic for parents that have to put their children to bed at this time, especially for parents of kids that are too young to understand the hours of the clock yet and just have in their mind that "bedtime is when it's dark outside", I remember it throwing me off back when I was in first and second grade when my parents would send me to bed at that time.

In a way, I'd rather, if we had to keep changing clocks at all, I'd rather invert DST, where we would "fall forward" and "spring back". I could also suggest for using 30-minutes in between DST and standard year-round so that around the Winter Solstice there would still be twilight as early as 7am and as late as 6pm, and where in the summer it should be mostly dark by 9pm.

Then again though, a lot of this is coming from the perspective of someone living in Colorado. Some users on this forum may live in more northern states like Minnesota or Washington State, where with the current clock-switching system it'll get dark as early as 4pm in the winter and as late as 10pm in the summer, or maybe some users in places such as Scotland or Sweden where you have white nights in the summer and very little sunlight in the winter. Others may live closer to the equator where sunrise and sunset times are more consistent throughout the year.

But anyways, what are your thoughts regarding this topic? Would you rather have permanent DST, or permanent Standard Time?
I personally don’t really care, but I’ll go for permanent standard time. Daylight savings doesn’t affect Arizona, so I personally don’t care.
Going with standard. Completely biased here, but my sleep schedule (and I'm sure many others' here) was messed up for awhile. Going to permanent DST is just going to mess that up again, which I'd rather avoid if we can. Permanent standard time is just so much better in that regard.

And yes, when it comes to something time-related, you can't tell me that sleep isn't one of the most important factors, because it is. It's literally what our society functions off of.
I like the current system, honestly. I'm in Northern Europe, work 9-5 in a city I don't live in (I'm out of the house 7am-7pm, not factoring in the expectation of socialising with colleagues several nights a week), and do feel the benefits when the clocks change.
I'm in the UK and the clocks don't change until next weekend where we enter "British Summer Time" until the last weekend in October. Honestly I'm not a fan of BST because during the height of summer sunrise is around 3.30am and sunset is 9.30pm meaning we get over 17 hours of daylight which always leaves me feeling out of balance due to a lack of nighttime. However there was a discussion in parliament a few years ago about staying in one timezone permanently but it was overturned because if we stayed in BST then could become more hazardous especially for children who would be going to school in the dark with sunrise being after 9am until late January.

The only downside to staying in GMT all year round would be that during summer our sunrise time would be 2.30am meaning the mornings would be longer and the evenings slightly shorter. Weirdly enough I did think about what if we switched between 30 minutes forwards and backwards twice a year as oppose to an hour, as I'm sure we'd all feel less out of balance with our sleep patterns during the first week or so after changing the clocks.
I'd rather keep the current system. I think it really helps with the daylight.
I actually feel very strongly about this and I'm 100% opposed to permanent Daylight Savings Time for purely selfish reasons. I have a lot of difficulties sleeping even when we're on Standard Time, but it's more manageable then. I can still get enough sleep to function. But when we switch to DST, I'm not just affected for a week or so, I lose several hours of sleep EVERY night until we switch back to Standard Time in the fall.

On Standard Time, I get an average of 5-6 hours of sleep on a work night and at least 3-4 of those hours are usually deep sleep. On DST, I get an average of 3-5 hours of sleep and it's very broken so I never achieve deep sleep. By the time DST is ending, I am walking around like a zombie most of the day, barely able to function, sleeping through my alarm in the mornings due to exhaustion, and yet I still can't sleep when nighttime comes. The fall back to Standard Time is the one thing I cling to that keeps me going during that awful last month or so.

In addition to that, I find it difficult enough to wake up on a cold, dark winter morning. I don't want it to be even colder and darker when I have to get up for work in the winter.

Daylight Savings Time negatively impacts my physical and mental health for the entire 8 months that it lasts right now. I honestly don't know how I'll make it if it becomes permanent. I despise the clock changes, but I'll take that over permanent DST. What I want is permanent Standard Time, though.
I really don't care one way or the other. Either one will affect the time of the day, but I would like not having to keep changing clocks twice a year. It's annoying. I always get up so early that it's dark anyway, so it makes no difference to me. I hate it getting dark earlier though, since I have a lot of hobbies and jobs that I need to do outside. And I'm so pressed for time during the fall/winter due to how dark it gets so early.
I'm very much in favor of permanent standard time. I even ended up voting against permanent DST in a recent referendum here (sadly, the only choices were between that and the current system, no permanent standard time option) because I don't want permanent DST at all.

There are two main reasons for me. The first is learning how daylight saving time negatively affects our health due to our circadian rhythm, so it's much better for our health to be on standard time permanently. The second is, under DST, I wouldn't see the sunrise until well after 9 AM where I live for over two months of the year, which would be super depressing! I'd much rather have that hour of sunlight be in the morning than in the afternoon/evening.
I voted for permanent Standard Time. Honestly though, there just needs to be 1 system to stick to all the time. It gets so confusing trying to collaborate globally due to how DST/ST affects working hours.

And on a personal level, I think the day of the change messes up my sleep schedule, affecting my productivity for at least the Monday and Tuesday following.
I work a job where I never see the sun, I leave in the dark and return in the dark, so it really doesn’t bother me what they choose to do. I do hate springing forward and falling back every year though so I’m just glad to be rid of it. I don’t like my sleep forcibly changed because someone else likes the sun!
I voted for DST only cause I like more daylight later in the day but I think standard would make more sense. Can’t have kids going to school in the dark.
I voted for Standard.

* The timezones were not designed to be missed around with as they have for centuries now. Having DST and some areas, but Standard in others can mess things up (e.g. TV schedules, general timezone stuff, etc.) even with DST being year-round.

* I also do not think it is in our best interest to shift the sunrise and sunset schedules over an hour later, especially in the morning when kids need to get to school. It can be dangerous. I remember back in March 2015 (I was 16, almost 17), I couldn't see where I was going on my way to my dad's truck, so I fell and sprained my ankle. I had to stay home from school because of this and missed a field trip.

* As for issues in the evening, a lot of parents/guardians have their children go to bed pretty early. Falling and staying asleep can be hard for children if the sun is still out.

* And this reason is subjective, but I prefer less sunlight in the evening. I guess I am just a nighttime person like that.
What is daylight?

I really dislike daylight savings time so standard time is my obvious choice.

I live in Canada and at the worst time of year (near the winter solstice) the sun doesn't rise until around 8am. If we were to go to permanent DST that would become 9am. Ugh.

Having sunlight during a later hour in summer sounds nice in theory, but it doesn't really mean anything to me so it definitely not worth the tradeoff of making winter so much worse imo.
I'm a night owl, so I prefer DST. It also keeps the U.S. closer to Europe in terms of time difference. Either way though, it's all just a silly game as there will still be the same number of hours of daylight in a day.
Permanent DST, please. I love how it stays light until 9 p.m. in summer, so I would hate to lose that if we stuck with standard time year-round. I'd even prefer the current system (switching twice a year) over year-round standard time.