I would like to get all 6 holly starts, an ares rocking chair (If I'm correct, it should be 8 TBT, but notify me if it's not).
NOTE- I'm still new to trading so I don't know much about buying and selling. Also, do the rules that are "I'll hold onto your items for three days" mean you'll keep them for three days before the customer gets them, or if you don't pick them up then a hold for 3 days?
Thanks for all the trouble!
- - - Post Merge - - -
oh also you probably want the forms, so here they are-
FC- I have no Idea what it means. Really sorry!
Mayor- JackABee
Town- Plumwood
Total- 8
Buying- 6 Holly starts and an ares rocking chair
Cataloging- Again, I have no idea what this means. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience!