Pet item's


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2021
I don't want this to sound like a moan but why does acnh have pet beds scratching posts food bowls etc . I find it strange as u can't have pets unless u keeo a snapping turtle or fish why the need for these items or am I missing something.
it’s just for design, there are many furniture items that may not necessarily make sense because for certain things, but some people maybe like to place it in their house a sign that there is a pet (correlating to themes and such, or just generally there), in a way, if you understand what i mean. there are actually puppy plushes in game that could act as a “pet” and people could also use those to add to their design, maybe making it seem homier and livelier. i personally have a dog irl so when designing my house id place a pet bowl and cubby and what not, along with a puppy plush to signify my dog zeus, though they may not look alike at all
Like @Kirbyz said, I think they're just there for decorations. Do I feel a little weird having a tiny cat bed in my house when I can't actually have a pet kitten? Sure. But I also think that the furniture items are cute and they're cozy to have. I have a little reading nook in my living room which has a book shelf, rocking chair, and a little cat bed because I think it compliments the area. I would feel a lot more weird about if it there was a little kitten in the cat bed or on the cat tower, to be honest. The same way I feel a little weird about having the hamster or bird cage cause it feels... odd. Having "pet" versions of our villagers, lol.
it’s just for design, there are many furniture items that may not necessarily make sense because for certain things, but some people maybe like to place it in their house a sign that there is a pet (correlating to themes and such, or just generally there), in a way, if you understand what i mean. there are actually puppy plushes in game that could act as a “pet” and people could also use those to add to their design, maybe making it seem homier and livelier. i personally have a dog irl so when designing my house id place a pet bowl and cubby and what not, along with a puppy plush to signify my dog zeus, though they may not look alike at all
it’s just for design, there are many furniture items that may not necessarily make sense because for certain things, but some people maybe like to place it in their house a sign that there is a pet (correlating to themes and such, or just generally there), in a way, if you understand what i mean. there are actually puppy plushes in game that could act as a “pet” and people could also use those to add to their design, maybe making it seem homier and livelier. i personally have a dog irl so when designing my house id place a pet bowl and cubby and what not, along with a puppy plush to signify my dog zeus, though they may not look alike at all

Yeah,the pet items are just for decoration but they can spruce up your cat villager's houses a bit.
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Just cute decor- admittedly a bit weird, but honestly, what part of this game ISN'T a little weird when you think about it?

I occasionally like giving cat neighbors cat beds (they sit on them!) and I have a cat pole and cat grass in my main character's basement since her name is Cat. I also have a snapping turtle pen outside with a dog house in it (and a space heater during the winter 'cause I felt he might get too cold otherwise) Personally, I find it weirder the people who use the custom umbrella designs to make it look like they have a tiny cat/bunny/puppy/etc. Don't get me wrong- it's super cute and clever but it's like... how do you have that cat and Raymond in the same universe? What? But, then again, Goofy vs. Pluto drove me nuts as a kid, too.
Maybe the pet items are considered cultural traditions for cat villagers, dating back to ancient times when cats were more primitive, and they decorate their houses with them because it reminds them of their ancestors. ;)

Seriously, though, I think they're just to be decorative. Like every other furniture item. What furniture items in the game really serve any purpose other than being decorative? Animal Crossing is basically a really complex, virtual dollhouse.