Pet loss

I’m so sorry for your loss @Jez.

I lost two cats (one was my sister’s but i still consider her to be mine since we got her with my brown tabby) about three years. I think about them everyday and still miss them so much.


Sorry it is sideways. This is my sister’s cat. She was extremely snobby and yowled a lot when she played. She was 17 and I think she may had some sort of cancer :/. I want to believe that she could have lived longer if she was living here at my house but I know my sister loved her very much.


This is my gray cat’s sister. they didn’t get along anymore ever since we brought in the two our neighbor’s son let out of the house who were starving in the in the winter. She also may have died from cancer and had water around her lungs near the end.

I regret not visiting my sister more which i still regret since my sister’s cat always was looking for me according to my mom. And my gray tabby i regret not giving her more attention and love even though my mon said i gave her enough.

My mom said there is nothing wrong to still be said no matter how many years later and not to be ashamed of crying over them still. Best thing my mom could say since I honestly have trouble letting things go and my cats are everything to me.

Hang in there @Jez. If you need to vent or chat, my dms are always open. I am at a loss at what to say aside from sending my condolences. :/ I’m sorry. Hang in there and no shame in crying.
Thank you guys, again. I hope you all can hang in there as well.

I agree with everyone about not holding back. I know it's common to lose pets with how short their lives are but it's still really heartwrenching knowing how many have been lost to us, and how it still can hurt after a few years. I wish you all the best.

Even fish are your friends. I have pet fish as well, and lots of have died over the years. But I feel fish didn't have much an impact as me because I feel we're in different worlds and they're not always around us, but this is my personal experience. Seeing them in pain would feel horrible.

Also yeah with the dreaming thing. I've dreamed twice about him being alive and the absolute gargantuan disappoint I felt when it wasn't real was overwhelming. I sometimes still call out his name just to feel like he's still around.

Also thanks @Dunxiquote for the offer, same to you. I get what you mean totally about feeling like you didn't love as well. I feel like this too with Ruffles. I'm sorry about your cats, but I know for sure that they loved you and I'm sure you showed them more love than you thought.
We had to put a cat to sleep yesterday. The gray/brown cat on the bottom of my profile picture, Princess, had a heart problem that got so bad that she could barely breathe and she stopped eating. She was an extremely sweet cat. She wasn't even 2 years old. :cry: It's heartbreaking to see a cat go so early.
Sorry for your loss. I lost my beagle back in 2018 and I still miss him.

The loss of a pet is not easy and will still always hurt, but things will get better over time.
Sorry for your loss. My rabbit ran away years ago and things haven't really been the same without her. A lot of times I wish she was still with us. But I still focus on the happy memories that I had with my rabbit.