

Senior Member
Sep 9, 2005
Anyone have any pets?I have a dog.


Her name is Stormy.She is a collie.She is six months old(the picture is from when she was like 3 months).She is hyper and likes to bite things.She once chewed a whole in the wall, and one time she chewed through the cable cord (we lost like 7-8 channels) and she's dug a whole in the backyard.
You named her after me? j/k :lol:

I have a dog named Molie.
I have three dogs - the oldest, who is 12, is called Terry, and he's a Fox Terrier. The second oldest, 6 years, is Remi (as in Do, Re, Mi, Fa, etc... That's because we have a musical family. :p) and he's an Irish Setter. And my newest dog, whom we got about 4 months ago, is a Miniature Poodle called Gavrik, and he's not even one year yet.

Then, on to the cats... I have one cat called Kitty; she's a Siamese, and she's about Remi's age. Then we got Vasya (Russian name) about half a year ago from PetCo or whatever, and he's Kitty's age. He's an unknown breed, but he's mostly black with white spots.

All of my pets are great.... except for perhaps Terry... He's getting old, and he has a cataract in one eye...

i've got a dog, a couple fish, and two guinea pigs...

Dog- Gus, hes a mutt... we will leave it at that


Fish- uhh... they're fish... they swim... yay...

Guinea Pigs- Meg, and... umm... i dunno the others name >_> they eat garbage... and grass... and have alot of hair.
i have 1 cat

named tango.... its my moms

he doesnt kill mice it plays with em till hes bored lol

and he likes to get stuck in trees

he gets stuck on a bookcase alot and cant et down

hes stupid

only_half_evil333 said:
i have 1 cat

named tango.... its my moms

he doesnt kill mice it plays with em till hes bored lol

and he likes to get stuck in trees

he gets stuck on a bookcase alot and cant et down

hes stupid

i usedto have a chinese sharpee his name was doobie
:rofl: lol well end there
I had a dog, a Collie/Golden Retriever. Her name was Lady, she lived to be 18, when we had to put her down.


Oh, I had a dog last year, Max, a Yorkshire Terrier/Rat Terrier mix:


Unfortunately, he was possessed by Satan, and likes to feed on human flesh. We had to give him back to the humane society.
PikMino42 said:
I had a dog, a Collie/Golden Retriever. Her name was Lady, she lived to be 18, when we had to put her down.

I had a dog who we had to put to sleep when she was 7.She was a collie that looked almost exactly like Lassie.We just came home from Florida when we found out she got bloat and there was nothing they could do.

It's the kennel place's fault because if they wouldda noticed it quicker, she would still be alive today....
I have a rabbit....I blame my sister

His name is snowball and he is a white dwarf rabbit ( aww he is soo small!) and he's a old fart. HE is almost 8 years old And sometimes i think he is dead

(Rabbits dont have eyelids so they just lie there when they sleep)
PIRANHA2 said:
i've got a dog, a couple fish, and two guinea pigs...

Dog- Gus, hes a mutt... we will leave it at that


Fish- uhh... they're fish... they swim... yay...

Guinea Pigs- Meg, and... umm... i dunno the others name >_> they eat garbage... and grass... and have alot of hair.
Guinea pigs> all other pets besides dogs

My family has a 7 year old mix named Ginger. She's run away from the house at least 10 times

:p . then we have a 1 year old sheltie named Sofie. She attacks me when nobody's looking then acts perfect when others come.

On to the rodents. I have a rat named Zoe who is 6 weeks old. then we have a 2 year old abyssinian guinea pig named Scout and a 3 month old guinea pig named Zuni. Then we have a hamster named kricket who is about 11 months.

Then there are 3 hermit crabs: Romeo, Blaze, Dracula. Then there are 3 betta fish (in seperate tanks.): rock, samurai, and cliff.