Phantom Guardian Here!

Phantom Guardian Ash

Senior Member
Aug 9, 2006
Hello everyone, just letting everyone im new.

Im a big fan of NisAmerica Games also Nintendo.
My favorite game of all time is Phantom Brave!!
Its very cool, also I like Disgaea, Atelier Iris,
Makai Kingdom, Blade Dancer - Lineage of Light.
These are all NisAmerica Games! Their cool and
I proably have all of them just not Generation Of
Chaos will be getting it.

Some Nintendo games I like are

Legend Of Zelda

Super Smash Bro Melee

Animal Crossing Wild World

Everyone can call me Ash
Welcome, and some ppl will call by intials,PGA.

Hope you enjoy this place and enjoy it!
Welcome to TBT! You seem like an awesome member...I hope ya stick around!

TBT's a pretty cool to talk to people, and even play DS games on wifi if you are able.

Enjoy the place, and welcome!
great, nice to have a new member. Be sure to read the rules. And change your sig, its way over the limit.
Sorry if this is a little late, Welcome to TBT I'm Copper teh uber cool guard dog feel free to drop a pm in my inbox!
Hello and welcome, I'm zeldafreak104. Just remember to read The Rules and you'll have a great time here ^_^. If you have any questons you can PM me, or someone else. It doesn't really matter.
Hello, I'm Koehler. i hope you have fun here at The Bell Tree and stick around for a long time.
Hi my name is OddCrazyMe buy you can call me Odd.

;) Read the rules please and if you have any questions pm a sage or staff member.
Two non-noob newbs in a row

:eek: Finally some smart people showing up here. Anyway, welcome to The Bell Tree Forums. We have podcasts, friend code directories, a very neat news site run by a local admin, Bul, a gaming magazine in progress (you're looking at an editor-in-cheif right now), and tons of other great stuff to look at everyday.

Oh, my common nickname is SL92.
Yay, another new member.

^_^ Hello, I'm Smart Tech, Admin at TBT. I'm the People's Admin, meaning I'm for the people, by the people, etc. Anyways, it's great to have you here. It's always a treat to see new members. :yes: