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"Phil in the City" Chapter 1


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
**NOTE: I haven't played City Folk but I hear Rover DOES come on the bus.

Animal Crossing Fan Fic

by KingKombat

6:00 am


Oh jesus! Where am I? Oh yeah...the bus. I fell asleep on the bus. I hope no one else came on here and saw me...that'd be embarassing. Ok, let me make sure i have everything...by everything I mean the only bag of bells I have. 1,000 bells to start me off. Great. The bus stops...

Rover: Hey Kapp'n!

Kapp'n: Rover, me boy! How ye been doin' these days?

Rover: Not much, not much, still travelin' around.

Kapp'n: Eh, what a shock. So where ye be headin'?

Rover: Wherever you're goin'.

Kapp'n: Of course...ah, well, grab a seat.

This cat seemed to know that bus driver pretty well. Wait... Oh, no, the cat is heading for the seat across from me...

Rover: Well, hey! A fresh face! You mind if I take this seat?

Me: Uhh...yeah, I guess.

Rover: Thanks. Hey, let's get aquainted! The name's Rover, pal.

Rover looked at me, waiting for me. Oh, he wanted my name. I'm still a little sleepy.

Me: My name's Phil...

Rover: Phil, huh? So, where ya headed?

Me: Oh, I'm moving to Happeh.
Side note: yes, i'm naming my town to "Happeh"

Rover: Happeh, eh? I think I may have been there...they have some nice folk over there. But anyways, moving's great. You have a place to stay, right?

Me: Not..really...

Rover looked at me wide-eyed with shock.


Me: Jeez, it's not that big of a deal...


Me: Relax! I'm sure I can figure it out.

Rover: ...wait a second.

Rover looked at me with a questioning face.

Rover: Hey, where do you like to go most?
Like, shopping, the beach, etcetera?

Me: Well... I guess I like to go shopping for stuff alot.

Rover: Ok...give me a minute.

Rover got up from his seat and went to the back of the bus. He took out a cell phone and dialed a number.

I could only hear some of the words he was saying...

Rover: Nook? Hey man, how---doing? I'm good... Listen I----friend who----house. Can---hook----up? Really? That's----! You're--man! See--!

Well, that's pretty much all I can make out...

Rover came back to his seat.

Rover: Ok, listen. I just remembered I have this friend in Happeh who happens to me the local stor owner and town realtor. He said he has a house that is empty and ready to be bought!

Me: Really? That's great! Thanks a bunch!

Rover: No problem. Anyways, how much bells you got on you?

I looked at the nearly empty sack of bells in my pocket.

Me: Not too much...

Rover: Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be fine. Money makes the world go round; and what goes around, comes around! ..Um..I just confused myself there.

The bus slowed down a little.

Rover: Well, I guess this is it. We're pulling into Happeh now.

Me: Heh, I guess it's about time.

Rover: I'll see you around, Phil.

Me: You too, Rover.

I got up and moved to the front of the bus. As the door opened, I thought about what lies ahead of me. The people I'll meet, the things I'll see, The experiences I'll have... It's a big world.

And I'm ready.

Sorry...tooo tired to rate it... I just got back from a 4 HOUR TRIP DAMMIT!! I will give ya a full rate tomorrow! But for now... I am heading to bed. But from the quick glance it looks good. :D
VantagE said:
Sorry...tooo tired to rate it... I just got back from a 4 HOUR TRIP DAMMIT!! I will give ya a full rate tomorrow! But for now... I am heading to bed. But from the quick glance it looks good. :D
Looks great!
You used my format...
Very good job.
Seemed like the gcn game...
Will you continue it?
I wish you'd make a different story...
I'm gonna be late for school...
Bacon Boy said:
Looks great!
You used my format...
Very good job.
Seemed like the gcn game...
Will you continue it?
I wish you'd make a different story...
I'm gonna be late for school...
Really? oh
Thanx again
But it wasnt
Why? I like this one
I was too
I like talking this way.
Does this guy ever shut up?^^^
It lets out both sides-
It's just talk talk talk talk talk talk talk with him.
Of the story.
I hope you trip over one of these: :pitfall:
He's like a shoulder devil. ^^^
He's got a pointy tail, and two horns on his head-
And a pitchfork...
I'll have to give you the ol` one two if you don't be quiet.
Maybe even a high squeaky voice...
I'm not a mouse...
:D I'm hungry.
Does that mean you're gonna stop talking now?
You don't like me talking?
:shovel: Dig a :hole: and get over it.
You're a big meanie face!
Best comeback you could come up with?
I'm outta here!
Comeback! You see what I just did, you see it? It was a pun!
Is there a way you can get all the chapters together? It's kind of annoying to me that they're not in the same place...